Wednesday, July 31, 2019

How does Medea Essay

Usually Greek Playwrights were primarily concerned with religious issues rather than the smaller issues of social or political. However, within the Greek myths there were a series of topics that were primarily presented to challenge the audience socially and politically. In the case of Medea by Euripides it is the strong female character Medea who takes the main lead role in the play. It is possible to study the role of women in culture yet especially with a text like Medea it is evident that there is more than one culture involved. They are the culture of the actual subject, in this case Medea and the culture of the author. Euripides constructed a play by using a series of stories that had been handed down generations gone before him from the time of Medea and of course his own particular observations of women in that society around him. What Medea does by the end of the play is a very powerful statement on the role of women in Ancient Greece. From researching into the political status of women it is suggested that it was seen as acceptable that they were treated as an object of possession. The Greek legal system worked accurately if the husbands were honest and responsible. The wife herself only had legal protection if her husband was either dead or sick. Also, the non citizen wives were worse off as they had to have a citizen friend besides their own husband. In this play Medea creates a very strong and stern warning to society to not take advantage of this possibility. Many modern day critics of the play believe that this Greek view of the role of women in society was to blame for Medea’s excesses and the overall extreme she went to. If there was a good well balanced legal system then there would be no need for vengeance. Thus making Medea take the law into her own hands. A point worth mentioning is the fact that Medea is not described to the audience on her appearance instead she is greatly described on what she can do. Unlike Greek women in her society at that time, Medea does not rely it seems on such Gods and Goddesses such as Aphrodite and her charms, but instead she relies on her own potions and her incantations. Medea in her society was the priestess of Hecate who gave her lots of power both physically and socially. With having this power she had the powerful social status in which she was respected and also greatly feared. If Medea was alive today she would be considered a witch, yet this Ancient Greek woman does not fit our stereotypical idea of a witch. Instead of this view the Ancient Greek Witches were young and beautiful, during their Sabbath on looking men would be in awe and incapacitated by their beauty. During her era a Greek lady would not have to worry about the devil as such. Women who acted like witches were considered to be powerful and interesting. They would either be good or bad which was, to be expected greatly dependant on what they did with their powers. In Ancient Greek times it was much harder to live outside of your family than it is now. Back in that era as a woman you would be very dependant on your family for welfare, social security, food and your social life. Other important aspects included your legal protection and citizenship. In Medea she was the Princess in Colchis so she had all the important elements that a family provided for their child. However, she fell in love and decided to leave Colchis with Jason and took the biggest step of all, killing her own brother. This was considered and still would be considered a very powerful act against your family, which is an act in which few Ancient Greek people could identify with. This made Medea be caste out of her Greek society. The stereotypical man of Ancient Greek times wanted to fall in love with a woman who they considered to be easy to handle. Men saw women as easy to handle when they appear weak and are just strongly agreeable to the men. Yet, when they are powerful they are regarded as nightmares. Thus giving the indication that Jason would consider Medea as a nightmare as she challenges in the extreme. This stereotypical view of the perfect Ancient Greek wife who could fit easily into the men’s fantasies was a view in which Medea certainly does not fit into. There is a vast extremity in Medea, one which no man could successfully control. An American critic of the play Fredrick John Kluth quotes that â€Å"Medea does for men what they cannot do for themselves†. Thus creating a very interesting character who adds a great deal to the interests of the play. Therefore, in a sense Medea is outside of the time and does not really show a role of women in any time period. Looking closely at Ancient Greek women they usually possessed the characteristics of a nurturing and [passionate individual. Medea strove against men and stood up to them as a strong woman. This would not have been considered in the era of the Greeks, instead this rationality would have been left to the men whilst the women stood back. Medea stands as a great symbol of the intelligent woman who has no place in the social life of the Greek community. By this I mean other members of the Greek community would not wish to be caught up and eventually damaged by this woman’s great power. She provides Euripides’ complain for the actual social status that a woman has in Greek society which is likely to be more relevant to Euripides era rather than Medea’s. Therefore Medea the play acts as a social statement by the playwright himself. Euripides also attempted to explain the spiritual nature of mankind and their attitudes towards other people of their own, slightly different society.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Family Issues

International Research Journal of Finance and Economics ISSN 1450-2887 Issue 52 (2010)  © EuroJournals Publishing, Inc. 2010 http://www. eurojournals. com/finance. htm Does Education Alleviate Poverty? Empirical Evidence from Pakistan Imran Sharif Chaudhry Associate Professor of Economics. Bahauddin Zakariya University Multan, Pakistan E-mail: [email  protected] edu. pk Shahnawaz Malik Professor of Economics, Bahauddin Zakariya University Multan, Pakistan E-mail: [email  protected] edu. pk Abo ul Hassan Ph.D Research Fellow, Department of Economics, Bahauddin Zakariya University Multan, Pakistan E-mail: [email  protected] com Muhammad Zahir Faridi Lecturer, Department of Economics, Bahauddin Zakariya University Multan, Pakistan E-mail: [email  protected] com Abstract Poverty has become a sensitive and ever remained issue almost in all developing countries of the world. Education plays a vital role in poverty alleviation. Therefore, it is important to investigate that whethe r different levels of education or literacy cause to alleviate poverty.The major objective of this study is to evaluate the effects of different levels of education and literacy on the incidence of poverty in Pakistan. Our results suggest that poverty alleviation process would be accelerated if resources are targeted at education sector especially in higher education. Pakistan presents a paradoxical situation. Until the late 1980s Pakistan had achieved a spectacular record of economic growth and reduced incidence of poverty remarkably, but the country had horrible social indicators.However when social indicators began to improve in the 1990s for a variety of reasons, both internally and externally driven, the average rate of economic growth declined. Contrary to the said situation, the general perception about Education is that the role of education in poverty alleviation, in close co-operation with other social sectors, is crucial. This paper is mainly intended to explore the reali ty that to what extent education is affective in poverty alleviation in Pakistan. In addition, some important macroeconomic variables have also been taken understudy to find out the reality of the problem.Keywords: Education; Poverty; Inflation; Economic Growth; Openness; Pakistan International Research Journal of Finance and Economics – Issue 52 (2010) 135 I. Introduction Poverty is a multidimensional phenomenon, encompassing inability to satisfy basic needs, lack of control over resources, lack of education and skills, poor health, malnutrition, lack of shelter, poor access to clean water and sanitation, vulnerability to shocks, violence and crime, lack of political freedom and voices. The poor are the true poverty experts.They assert on material well being, physical well being, social well being, security of food, security of law and order, public safety, safety from violence and civil conflicts, freedom of choice and action, being a part of the decision making body rather to be a victim of decision making body and the security of jobs. Poverty can be looked at from different angles and depending upon the perspective one adopts definitions of poverty may vary. It differs from country to country and from context to context. Poverty may be absolute or relative.Absolute poverty can be eradicated but relative poverty cannot. Relative poverty is a dynamic concept because it involves comparison between groups. It exists in all parts of the world, either in packets or on a much larger scale. In Pakistan both absolute and relative poverty exists normally, poverty is measured in monetary terms. The causes of poverty are also multidimensional. 1 There is no single cause that can explain it fully. Poverty is often related to a number of factors: physical, psychological, economic and sociocultural.Among the physical factors accounting for poverty are an unfavorable natural environment and lack of basic physical and economic infrastructure. These may also relate to poor health and malnutrition. Psychological factors refer to feel of hopelessness, helplessness, lack of confidence in one’s self and poor self-image resulting from inappropriate value system, cultural deprivation and undeveloped potential. These factors may also be related to an inability to participate in democratic processes and behavioral inadequacies aggravated by low levels of literacy and education.Education is the most important factor that distinguishes the poor from the non-poor; according to Pakistan’s Interim Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper 2001, the percentage of literate of households heads is 27 in poor households while for non-poor households it is 52. Though the origins of human capital theory can be traced to the earlier economists – from Adam Smith (1776) to Alfred Marshall (1920) – it is Theodore Schultz (1961) who created a ‘human investment revolution in economic thought’ by emphasizing the role of human capital in e conomic growth.Schultz (1961), Gary Becker (1964), Jacob Mincer (1972) and many others with their voluminous pioneering contributions placed education at a high pedestal in the theories of economic growth. Amartya Sen (1999) rightly argues that education constitutes a part of human freedom and human capability. . Over the period under study many important factors like unemployment, current account deficit and services growth rate have been contributed to why poverty is increasing even though education has increased consistently.We have tried to give a brief description of the debate of researchers that if increased education has significant impact on income and thus poverty or not or whether there are other factors mitigating or attenuating the impact of education on poverty. However in our analysis, the central focus has been on the role of education in poverty alleviation. Education has important implications for the analysis of changes in a poverty profile in a country. Keeping i n view the issues high lighted above, this paper tries to answer following related questions.Does education play its role to alleviate poverty? What is the role of other key macroeconomic variables in poverty alleviation? What can be generalized about the impact of education on poverty? What are the important policy implications? These questions keep their extreme importance as answering the said questions will bring a solution to the hitherto puzzle that’s why Pakistan is lagging behind on the development path as compared to some developed countries who got independence later than us. 1 Technical consultation on literacy as a tool for the empowerment of the poor, Lampang, Thailand, 1997. 36 International Research Journal of Finance and Economics – Issue 52 (2010) To pursue the problem understudy, this paper is technically divided into several parts. Firstly we have attempted to explain the conceptual and theoretical framework of education and poverty alleviation. So f ar as the empirical analysis is concerned, we have divided it into two portions. The first portion presents the descriptive analyses and the second portion presents the econometric analysis which has been undertaken by considering autoregressive regression equations. II.Education and Poverty: A Theoretical Framework The economists often define education as having ‘direct effects’ and ‘indirect effects’. The direct effects of education are the imparting of knowledge and skills that are associated with higher wages. The indirect effects, also often referred to as external benefits, include fulfillment of basic needs, higher levels of democratic participation, better utilization of health facilities, shelter, water and sanitation and the additional effects which occur in woman’s behavior in decisions relating to fertility, family welfare and health.The relationship between education and poverty can also be examined by rate of return analysis, and produc tion function analysis – at individual as well as social/national levels. Rates of return are estimated using either Mincerian earnings function (Mincer, 1972), or using the concept of marginal efficiency of capital that relates costs of education to the lifetime benefits, essentially earnings associated with education. III. Data and Methodological Issues In order to study the impact of education on poverty, the study chooses time series data, for thirty five years (1972-2007) for Pakistan.The poverty data sets are collected mainly from Malik (1988), Amjad and Kemal (1997), Jamal (2003) and various issues of Pakistan Economic Survey since 2005, while the data on other variables is collected from World Bank, World Development Indicators (WDI), April 2008, ESDS International, (Mimas), University of Manchester. To make time series data on poverty incidence, a linear interpolation technique is employed. The selected time period presents the paradoxical situation of Pakistan as bo th growth and social indicators move in opposite directions.That is why it is selected to understand this paradoxical situation. Thirty five years time period is long enough to capture long run effect of most of the variable constructed in this study. We have tried to keep in view the problem of endogeniety while selecting the explanatory variables for our analysis. The study chooses the absolute poverty (poverty headcount index), education literacy rate, primary school level enrollment rate, middle school level and the university level enrollment widely used proxies for education) as the key variables.In addition, some useful variables (Growth rate, inflation rate, and Trade openness) have also been included in our model. In this study, autoregressive models are employed for econometric empirical investigation. In our first poverty autoregressive regression model, growth, literacy rate, CPI, and hcr(-1) are used to analyze while in the second model, some enrollment rates at various levels are considered. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, trade openness is also considered to check the robustness of globalization. Log values of the variables are used in the analysis.We postulate that the incidence of poverty prevailing in the economy is significantly dependent on higher education level. International Research Journal of Finance and Economics – Issue 52 (2010) 137 IV. Results and Discussions a) Descriptive Analysis Our complete data set consist of 35 years of annual observations from 1973-2007 on the selected variables. The descriptive statistic is reported in table 1 which states that the average of head count ratio (HCR) for our study period is 27. 63% with a standard deviation (SD) of 6. 74. The average of primary school enrollment rate is 11316. 8 with 6204. 18, the value of its standard deviation (SD). Middle school enrollment is 2667. 611 on an average and with standard deviation (SD) 1326. 06. The average values for university enroll ment rate, real gross domestic product (RGDP) and openness are 83045. 19, 22879. 24, 33. 81 with the value of standard deviations 65444. 71, 5756. 76, 3. 18 are given accordingly. As far as skewness of variables is concerned head count ratio (HCR), primary school enrollment rate, middle school enrollment rate and university enrollment rate are skewed on the rightward whereas openness is skewed leftward.All the variables are skewed a little. Table 1: Descriptive Statistics HCR 27. 63 25. 20 45. 75 20. 71 6. 74 1. 04 3. 26 6. 64 0. 04 LITR 36. 93 34. 35 55. 00 22. 10 10. 92 0. 24 1. 56 3. 47 0. 18 MIDDLE 2667. 61 2350. 00 5368. 00 963. 00 1326. 06 0. 36 1. 83 2. 84 0. 24 PRIMARY 11316. 78 9827. 00 24465. 00 4210. 00 6204. 18 0. 57 2. 02 3. 36 0. 19 UNIV 83045. 19 65642. 00 296812. 00 17507. 00 65444. 71 1. 76 5. 59 28. 74 0. 00 OPEN 33. 81 34. 35 38. 91 27. 72 3. 18 -0. 30 2. 19 1. 53 0. 47 RGDP 22879. 24 23859. 71 33820. 04 14033. 11 5756. 76 -0. 06 1. 86 1. 97 0. 37 CPI 56. 51 39. 7 3 149. 0 7. 40 41. 73 0. 67 2. 16 3. 77 0. 15 Mean Median Maximum Minimum Std. Dev. Skewness Kurtosis Jarque-Bera Probability Kurtosis is a measure whether the data set is peaked or flat relative to a normal distribution. Kurtosis statistic of the variables shows that only HCR and university enrollment is Leptokurtic (long tailed or high peakedness) and all other variables are Platykurtic (relatively narrower tailed then the normal curve. However the value of HCR is though high compared to the value of Meso-kurtic curve but it is not too high from the value desired for a normal distribution.The Jerque-Bera (JB) test of normality gives joint hypothesis of skewness and kurtosis. Jerque-Bera test of normality suggest that if the computed P-value of JB-statistic of university enrollment rate is sufficiently low as the value of the statistic is very different from zero, we state that the residuals for university enrollment rate is not normally distributed. For all other variables include d in the present study, it is concluded that residuals for these variables are normally distributed. Table 2: Correlation Matrix HCR 1. 00 -0. 35 -0. 37 -0. 28 -0. 30 -0. 9 -0. 53 -0. 27 LITR 1. 00 0. 99 0. 98 0. 84 0. 25 0. 97 0. 98 MIDDLE 1. 00 0. 99 0. 86 0. 28 0. 97 0. 98 PRIMARY UNIV OPEN RGDP CPI HCR LITR MIDDLE PRIMARY UNIV OPEN RGDP CPI 1. 00 0. 89 0. 20 0. 95 0. 99 1. 00 0. 18 0. 84 0. 91 1. 00 0. 39 0. 17 1. 00 0. 94 1. 00 The degree of the relationship of the variables is also estimated and reported in table 2. All the variables are negatively correlated with each other. The results state that openness is highly correlated and primary, middle, university enrollment rates and RGDP are moderately correlated with HCR. 138International Research Journal of Finance and Economics – Issue 52 (2010) b) Autoregressive Regression Analysis In our analysis, we have used a data set using time series ranging from 1973-2007. To investigate the significance of education (literacy) on the incidence of absolute Poverty, we have following autoregressive regression models. The robustness of the models is examined by including and excluding some important macroeconomic variables in our analysis. The model is given as below: The Poverty Autoregressive Regression Model- 1 LHCR = ? 0 + ? 1 LRGDP + ? LLITR + ? 3 LCPI + ? 4 LOPEN + ? 5 LHCR (? 1) + ? i Table 3 presents the estimation results in which head count index (HCI) is the dependent variable and the variables such as growth rate, literacy rate, consumer price index (CPI) and head count index (HCI) for the previous year are all explanatory variables in the present analysis. The value of adjusted Rsquared is 94. 5%, implying that 94. 6% of the variation in the dependent variable is explained by the independent variable. The value of R-squared clearly shows robustness of our results. The value of hstatistic is 1. 8, the results indicates that there is no significant autocorrelation problem in the error. The coeffic ient for growth verifies our theoretical expectations, implying an inverse relationship between poverty and growth. The coefficient for growth is highly significant putting an immense effect on poverty. The results verify the findings of Sarris who could find that overall economic growth reduces overall poverty. The coefficient for literacy is significant in the poverty regression analysis. However the variable is inversely related with the dependent variable which verifies the theoretical relationship of the two variables.The above results follow the findings of Dollar and Kraay (2002) who have concluded that growth is a prominent factor in eliminating poverty and that the impact of low level of educational attainment is not so much important. The coefficient of the consumer price index (CPI) having an expected theoretical sign, implies a positive relationship with poverty. However coefficient is not statistically highly significant. Our results also second the findings of Romer an d Romer who believed that an increase in inflation will be associated with a decline in the unemployment in the short run that may well relatively benefit the poor.The findings of Agenor (1998) also strengthen our faith on the outcome of our analysis implying the fact about the poverty rates to be positively related with inflation. The previous year’s poverty is highly significant with the incidence of poverty. The coefficient of the variable is keeping a postulated positive sign. The best justification of the result is given by the Ragner Nurkse who could observe that a â€Å"country is poor because it’s poor. † Although the theoretical expectations of our present study are fulfilled yet we have included some more important variables pertaining to the human capital.We have included primary, middle and university enrollment rates instead of the literacy rate in our model. In order to check the impact of globalization on the incidence of poverty, we have included the trade openness in our analysis. The coefficient of openness is negative and insignificant. Table 3: Estimates of the Model-I Coefficient 5. 77051 -0. 62553 0. 512801 0. 004567 -0. 123046 0. 713883 0. 94 0. 93 1. 58 Std. Error 2. 62493 0. 300753 0. 263391 0. 085448 0. 137595 0. 094954 t-Statistic 2. 198348 -2. 079882 1. 946923 0. 053446 -0. 89426 7. 518185 F-Stat Prob Prob. 0. 0361 0. 0465 0. 0613 0. 9577 0. 3785 0. 0 99. 93 0. 00 Variable C LLGDP LLITR LCPI LOPEN LHCR(-1) R Squared Adj R Squared h-Statistic International Research Journal of Finance and Economics – Issue 52 (2010) 139 The Poverty Autoregressive Regression Model-2 It is a vivid fact that a problem like poverty cannot be eradicated at all. Owing to the said fact study is intended to explore the answer of the question â€Å"Does education alleviate poverty? † To investigate the query, we have followed the regression model. We have developed the poverty regression model. Primary, middle and university enrollment rates as a proxy for education are used in our model.The model is given below: ? ? 0 + ? 1 LRGDP + ? 2 LPRIMARY + ? 3 LMIDDLE + ? 4 LUNIV + ? Poverty = ? ? ? ? 5 LCPI + ? 6 LOPEN + ? 7 LHCR(? 1) +  µ i ? Table 4 presents the estimation results for the poverty regression analysis where the dependent variable is the poverty had count index (HCI) and remaining seven variables namely log of real gross domestic product, log of primary school enrollment, log of middle school enrollment, log of university enrollment, log of consumer price index, log of openness and the log of head count ratio of the previous year are all independent variables.Note that the adjusted R-squared is 95. 9% implying that the approximately 95. 9% variation in the dependent variable is explained by the independent variables. The coefficient for LRGDP is keeping a negative sign implying the inverse relationship of LRGDP with the incidence of poverty. The theoretical relationship of LRGDP and LHCR also supports the negative relationship of these two variables. But the coefficient for LRGDP is statistically insignificant pervading a little effect on the incidence of poverty.The coefficient for log of primary enrollment rate and log of middle enrollment rate both keep a positive relationship with the incidence of poverty implying that both the standards minutely aggravate the incidence of poverty. The coefficients for both the levels are statistically insignificant which shows lesser nuisance value of primary and middle standards of education. The results also match with the findings of Rodriguez K Smith (1994) and Coulombe and Mckay (1996) who believe that the likelihood of being poor is higher for the lower levels of education.The coefficient for the log of university enrollment rate is statistically highly significant in the poverty regression analysis as shown in the table 3. The variable is inversely related with the dependent variable which verifies the theoretical relationshi p of the two variables. The estimation results verify the findings of all those who believe in an effective role of human development of poverty alleviation. The estimation results stay in line with the findings of Tilak (1994) which emphasize on the role of education.The results also explain that higher education is one of the most powerful means to reduce poverty. Our results also match with the findings of King (2005) who has argued that the agenda of the millennium development goals for education cannot be achieved without giving right consideration to higher education. All the prominent approaches of development like the human capital approach, the basic need approach, the human development approach and the capability approach which recognize the inverse relation of education and human poverty stay in line with our results.The coefficient for inflation rate in the poverty regression analysis for log values has become significant statistically and it is positively related with t he poverty head count index. The postulated positive sign of inflation portrays the fact that inflation is regarded as more of a problem by the poor. The fact was also found by William Easterly and Stanlay Fischer (2001). According to them the rich are better able to protect themselves against, or benefit from; the effects of inflation then are the poor.The coefficient of openness is keeping a postulated negative sign, implying an inverse relationship between the incidence of poverty and openness. The estimation result shows that openness is powerfully influencing the poverty head count index as the coefficient of openness is found highly statistically significant. The results match with the findings of Derek H. C. Chen, Thilak Ranawera and Andriy Storozhuk who argue that high level of globalization, globalization would tend to increase poverty. The coefficient for the poverty of previous year is statistically highly significant, keeping a positive relationship with poverty. 40 Tabl e 4: International Research Journal of Finance and Economics – Issue 52 (2010) Estimates of the Model-2 Coefficient 3. 707976 -0. 205005 0. 060653 0. 042189 -0. 154165 0. 127132 -0. 186327 0. 796384 0. 96 0. 95 -1. 68 Std. Error 1. 937434 0. 246698 0. 1637 0. 190211 0. 04069 0. 0777 0. 110726 0. 081578 t-Statistic 1. 913859 -0. 830995 0. 370514 0. 221801 -3. 788787 1. 63619 -1. 682781 9. 762301 F-Sat Prob Prob. 0. 0663 0. 4133 0. 7139 0. 8261 0. 0008 0. 1134 0. 1039 0. 00 114. 37 0. 00 Variable C LLGDP LPRIMAR LMIDDLE LUNI LCPI LOPEN LHCR(-1) R Squared Adj R Squared h StatisticV. Conclusion and Some Policy Recommendations In this paper, we addressed a key issue in the current debate on economic development: the role of education in poverty alleviation. We have reviewed the empirical evidence on the relationship between education and poverty. The link of education to poverty is one of the most important dimensions of policies towards poverty. Education may affect poverty in ma ny ways. It may raise the incomes of those with education. It may in addition, by promoting growth in the economy raise the incomes of those with given levels of education.To measure education we used, among others, the literacy rate, primary education level, middle education level and university education level as proxies for education. To measure poverty, we emphasized on the concept of absolute poverty, using the poverty headcount index and as a proxy for relative poverty. We have used the econometric techniques to sketch a few stylized facts in a very complex framework of relationship. The present study incorporates macroeconomic, structural and policy variables to poverty headcount index and education.More specifically, the poverty equation links the incidence of poverty to CPI, growth, literacy rate, primary school education, middle school education and university education level and openness. The said relationship thus enables the changes in poverty due to the changes in macr oeconomic or policy variables to be projected. The relationship is empirically estimated using time series regressions, based on thirty five years data of Pakistan from 1973 to 2007, which determined the magnitudes of the effects of the above mentioned macroeconomic, structural and policy variables on poverty.The results from the empirical analysis indicate that the university education significantly alleviates the incidence of absolute poverty. It is concluded that university education comes up with a powerful tool for poverty alleviation, keeping an inverse relationship with the dependent variable. As the higher education increases, the level of poverty decreases in the country. This result confirms the expectations that poverty is highly influenced by education. Local universities help developing countries in improving the skills of human capital which ultimately become helpful in poverty alleviating.University graduates have the specialized skills to earn a living and infuse the ir sector of employment- whether in the private industry, the public sector or civil society-with the enterprise that underpins success. Getting universal primary education, one of the millennium development goals, without the higher education would simply mean increasing the burden of unskilled population on the economy. Some people consider university education a luxury for developing countries. It is not a luxury, it is essential.Our estimation results confirm the best known approaches like the human capital approach, the basic needs approach, the human development approach and the Sen’s capabilities approach as all four approaches mainly emphasize on the attainment of education for economic development. Our estimation results carry an important policy implication-namely that the spread or the distribution of higher education among the population can have a powerful impact on their welfare. A household with no education among any of its members may benefit from even one me mber gaining access toInternational Research Journal of Finance and Economics – Issue 52 (2010) 141 education, beyond the immediate gains to that particular individual. And this is not only the case when an improvement in the education of the family’s children, but also it becomes the better and immediate source of earning opportunities for other members. Our empirical results confirm that education plays an effective role in poverty alleviation. Accordingly, a focus of economic policies on education in order to reduce poverty and to speed up development appears to be justified.Inflation also becomes the cause of poverty while trade openness reduces poverty significantly. 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[5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20]

Importance of Management’s Budget

Budgeting is not really something that should be discussed, but rather something that every company should be using in order to properly evaluate its financial possibilities, as well as to plan ahead the company's financial spending and investments, corroborated with any financial liabilities. As analysts have pointed out, â€Å"a budget is simply (1) a tool to increase your consciousness of how and where you spend your money and (2) a guideline to help you spend your money on the things that are most important to you†1. These two components of a budgeting definition should be showing us why budgeting is so important and why everyone should be opting for it. So, budgeting greatly helps with two different components. One of them is the fact that it shows where the money is actually going. In other words, the company using a budgeting tool will know exactly the expenses it has assumed, as well as any investments it has committed to during a certain period of time. Further more, the budgeting tool is essential in determine projects which are actually essential for the company, in other words, projects which bring added value to the company. The logic behind this is quite simple: after determining how much you are actually willing to spend during an investment or financial period, you need to decide what you want to spend the money on. Budgeting helps here as well and, additionally, it shows you how you can actually carry out the other projects which do not fit on the initial list. Budgeting should be considered a long-term strategy, with all the implications this brings about. In this sense, we should point out towards the fact that budgeting shows a concern for the long-term evolution of the company, with the top management needing to consider in the budgeting scheme not only the present projects and those that may appear as a necessity in the short run, but also projects with a medium and long term implication, projects that could bring significant revenues in the future, but who need to be included into present budgeting schemes. Nevertheless, we may consider some of the negative implications that budgeting could bring about in the company. One of these refers to any long-term projects, where the initial evaluation did not lead to the expected result. We may have, in this sense, projects that have been included in budgeting schemes, projects for which money have been allocated and which, in time, do not achieve the expected results and returns. One may actually point out towards the fact that if these projects had been dealt with at their specific time, they would have probably been evaluated to their true potential. While such an evaluation may be true, this does not deny the fact that a large proportion of projects that have been included for the budgeting evaluation will have resulted in good returns for the company. Additionally, project which are not successful do not necessarily reflect a bad budgeting strategy, so they should not be considered an evaluation tool. Overall, we may point out towards the fact that a proper and well-worked budgeting strategy is bound to bring about a healthy and successful financial situation within the company. Further more, a budgeting policy will have reverberations among the overall strategy that the company is determined to apply.

Monday, July 29, 2019

White River Massacre Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

White River Massacre - Essay Example At the same time, White settlers were complaining about Utes for their excessive hunting activities. Meeker got frustrated when Utes refused to follow his order asking them to plow their race track into a farm land. Meeker sought military help from Colorado Governor Frederick Pitkin so as to protect him and his men from the Utes. His request was soon complied with and Major Thornburgh marched with 200 soldiers toward the White River Agency at the distance of 150 miles; however, the troops were first noticed by Utes during their hunting trip. Utes considered this march an invasion on them and asked Meeker to stop their arrival immediately. Meeker agreed and requested Thornburgh that better he keep his battalion outside the Ute reservation territory and only five of them accompany him for a dialogue with Utes representatives (Peters, Mike). Though Thornburgh agreed on this initially but for some reason began entering into Milk Creek. Thornburgh made a grave mistake of crossing Milk Creek and entering into Ute territory, maybe he perhaps assumed that his path would not get blocked. Thornburgh’s entry into Utes territory ignited the conflict between Utes and Whites that finally culminated into a full-fledged war. The battle began in the morning of September 29 1879 and escalated soon that triggered infamous White River Massacre (Peters, Mike). After finishing the dinner of the day Arvilla, the wife of Meeker, was washing dishes when she heard the gun shots. Perhaps Utes heard about the battle at Milk Creek and assumed that troops were marching ahead to kill or push them off the reservation area. Meeker and nine other white men were massacred methodically. Nathan Meeker was fired on the head. Utes hatred against whites was on high pitch on those days and that was evident from the heinous incident of a metal piece pierced into Meeker’s mouth (Peters, Mike). Arvilla, her daughter and one of her companion fled from

Sunday, July 28, 2019

HALTH Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

HALTH - Essay Example The findings from the interview would be summarized to respond to the following question: â€Å"Does marital satisfaction decrease with children? Two different sets of married couples were interviewed. One set had been married for more than five years and have three children. The other set of couples had been married for seven years but they did not have any children. The results of the interview are presented in tabular format as shown below: From the results of the interview, it could be deduced that marital satisfaction does not only depend on the factor of raising children. For both sets of couples, it could be observed that both were relatively happy and satisfied (with or without children). It is therefore evident that couples indeed would have wanted to have children, if given the chance. For the couples without children, it was relayed that they wanted to raise them but since the wife was already in her late or mature age when they got married, biological reasons prevented them doing so. As such, they learned to accept the fact that they could not have children and it was evident from their relationship that their satisfaction and happiness was not diminished by not having children. For the couple with three children, it was noted that children provided them with happiness that strengthened their marital bond. There were challenges in terms of meeting financial obligations and supporting the needs of the children; but this was accepted to be part of life. It was noted to have actually helped in striving to work harder to support the children’s needs and to try as much as they can to avail of much entertainment, leisure and relaxation as they could possibly accommodate. Overall, the interview results indicated that although children could have significantly contributed to providing happiness and a sense of fulfillment to married couples, this is not the sole factor that determines marital satisfaction. Even couples who do not have

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Fair Labor Standards Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Fair Labor Standards - Essay Example This implies that the non-exempt personnel must work for over 40 hours a week to qualify for the overtime pay in which the employer is mandated to offer three quarters times their normal wage rate. It is also apparent that the exempt employees in the white-collar job category cannot benefit from the pay. The proposed changes to the FLSA since 1938 is that it allowed the employment of 16-year-old children in the agricultural sectors, but still prohibited those under that age. This is meant to defend the educational prospects of minors and rule out their employment in jobs deemed hazardous and injurious to their health. These laws differ from the 1938 regulations because it specifies the minimum amount that workers in the private sector, federal or local authorities should receive (Whittaker, 2002). I think these changes benefit both employers and employees because it prevents exploitation of workers by unscrupulous managers who underpay their workers. Similarly, it also benefits the managers since it reduces chances of industrial unrests from workers who feel mistreated or overworked. The controversy associated with these modifications is that the exempt workers feel discriminated against by the legislators and labor officials. For instance, the union’s objections are that the government should treat all workers equally regarding the overtime allowances and the proposed new rates for the working hours since this could deny the workers their established privileges (Whittaker,

Friday, July 26, 2019

Questions on Syntax Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Questions on Syntax - Coursework Example Meanwhile, [15Max remains in a critical condition], and [16Tanya has been incarcerated]. [17The audience must have been sitting on the edge of their seats]! (a) Group together instances of each clause type, and identify the grammatical features that characterise each type. (b) Next, consider the verb strings in clauses 8, 13, 16 and 17 and describe their constituent parts both in terms of the category of each verb (lexical, auxiliary, etc.) and its form (finite, non-finite, etc.). This first section of the exercise concerns clause types. The clause, according to Borjars and Burridge (2001: 212) is a unit formed an optional bits the speaker has chosen to include. Almost it is agreed among linguists that a clause is a unit larger than a phrase but smaller than a sentence. In some cases, a clause functions as a sentence provided that it has a subject and a verb and expresses a complete thought. Crystal (1988: 277) identifies four types of clauses. These are declarative, Imperative, explanative and interrogative clauses. The short text above contains declarative, interrogative and explanative clauses. As the exercise requires, we are going to group the clauses that belong to each type together. Next, we are going to identify the grammatical features characterizing each type. First, we are going to start with declarative clauses. The declarative clauses in the text are listed below: In a declarative clause, the speaker or writer is simply making a statement, opinion, fact or an arrangement. Its structure is analogous to the simple English sentence. That is, The noun phrase (henceforth NP) precedes the predicate verb phrase (henceforth VP): Mick ate the sandwich. An interesting trait of declaratives is that a statement, whose key function is to notify the hearer or reader something, can also be used to pose a yes-no question. This could be done via a raising

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Research Methods Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Research Methods - Assignment Example Theory building is relatively more complex that theory testing. In theory testing, a researcher primarily tests whether a certain theory explains a phenomenon that he or she is investigating (Christensen, Johnson & Turner, 2011). For instance, a researcher studying the cause of global warming may consider testing the Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) theory. The rationale behind testing such a theory is to uncover whether the AGW theory best explains global warming. Therefore, the researcher may test the theory by looking at the humidity levels resulting from the emission of carbon dioxide. Theory testing aims at collecting evidence to either confirm or contest a theory. In theory building, the researcher synthesis literature content related to his or her interested topic of study in an attempt to explain a given phenomenon. For instance, a researcher studying the concept of global warming may consider the analysis of all theories related to global warming including the AGW theory ( Polkinghorne, 2005). The usage of data in testing already constructed hypotheses and theories is advantageous since the analysis that shall be done is meant to confirm or dispute the given theories and hypotheses. On the downside, this statistical method is prone to the aligning of new information to old findings and may thus eliminate other findings not taken care of by the theory or hypothesis in question (Leedy & Ormrod, 2010). On the other hand, the usage of data in generating hypotheses and building theories has its advantages among them the completeness and depth of analysis and drawing of conclusions (Johnson & Onwuegbuzie, 2004). This is due to the fact that there are no biases the researcher is exposed to (Polkinghorne, 2005). The disadvantage is that the conclusions are exposed to many untested results. The first rationale for employing the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Job Stress Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Job Stress - Research Paper Example The research recommends that the management of DSI clinic restructures operations and job distribution. It recommends that managers should be trained so that they get to understand how job stress impacts on employees at various times. It also recommends that a the DSI clinic establishes a guidance and counseling unit that will help employees going through stressful times. DSI is a conglomeration of clinics that provide dialysis around the United States for people suffering from chronic kidney failure. DSI provides quality care for patients in areas like nephrology and other specialized aspects of dialysis. It is made up of highly qualified nephrologists, nurses, doctors, administrators and support staff members who work hard to maintain the image of DSI as a leading dialysis center in the United States. However, due to the current financial crises, the management of the clinic have had the unpleasant duty of laying off a number of workers. This has led to many workers doing extra hours and others expanding the scope of their work. This has led to a strain on the staff of the company. There have been numerous cases of mistakes, low productivity and a high turnover because of the new arrangements. This has clearly created a situation of low morale amongst staff and workers of DSI. There is clear evidence that the low morale is caused by stress and the increased workload of the company staff. This has led to poor performance. The group that is mostly affected by this spate of stress is the female employees who constitute 88% of the total employees in the clinic. The purpose of this research is to use scientific tools to empirically study the relationship between job stress and low morale and low productivity at DSI Clinic. It will identify the possible solutions to the problem and recommend actions that must be taken to reduce the effects of low morale at DSI clinic. There have been a lot of complaints against the way and manner in which the clinic operates.

Project Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Project Management - Assignment Example 1.2. Mission of the Project The project is geared towards attaining a specific mission. The mission is focuses towards ensuring that the new training program applicable in Northwest region of the United Kingdom is extended to other areas of the United Kingdom. Therefore, the mission of this project is to improve employee performance through implementing effective employee training programs in all parts of the United Kingdom. 1.3. Objectives The overall goals and mission of this project shall be achieved through various objectives. The objectives shall be undertaken in the course of this project. ... They are expected to extend this knowledge by training their employees in their respective companies. Moreover, they may also facilitate the project through provision of resources such training venues et cetera. The Project Board This project shall be facilitated by a project bored, basically responsible for planning and implementation of various programs involved within the project i.e. provision of time plans, sourcing for resources from various stakeholders and also implementation of the project plans. Additionally, the project bored shall also engage in negotiations with different stakeholders in order to seek their consent to conduct these trainings. Enterprise Holdings This is an imperative part of the stakeholders that shall be engaged in this project. Enterprise Holdings forms the basis of this project. The project focuses on the extension of new employee training programs to different parts of the United Kingdom. Various Companied in different parts of the United Kingdom are expected to benefit from this project. Project Coordinator The project coordinator is one of the most pertinent facilitators of this project. The coordinator shall ensure that the five objectives and the overall goals of this project are achieved through creating commitment among the project implementers. Additionally, he shall facilitate organization, planning as well as the implementation of the planned project activities. Consequently, the coordinate shall ensure that there is consultation among the project team in the case there are challenges faced. The consultation processes are basically meant to facilitate collective problem solving activities. External Monitoring and

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Measuring Customer Satisfaction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Measuring Customer Satisfaction - Essay Example led to improved sales but has also led to increased customer satisfaction that intern leads to customer retention hence giving such businesses competitive advantage over others. On this basis, this essay will discuss the best practices used to measure customer satisfaction and further evaluate the current practices adopted by Union Pay Organization. To start with, measurement of customer satisfaction has several benefits to businesses. Measurement of customer satisfaction can be defined as a process in which businesses are able to gauge the quality of their processes as well as that of their products and services from customer feedback or other indirect means (Hayes, 2008). As a result of these measurements, businesses can be able to implement and evaluate various processes in their main objectives. For instance, through the customer feedback, businesses are able to gauge themselves against competitors and identify effective strategies that can place give them competitive advantage in the market (Grigoroudis & Siskos, 2010). Further, measurement of customer satisfaction helps to reveal changes in tastes and preferences by customers that can be used in developing products and services in order to retain existing customers and also attract new section of customers by factoring their preferences in business products or services. On the other hand, several customer measurement practices have been identified to work in various business sectors. To start with, transactional surveys have been widely used to gather information about customer satisfaction. This kind of approach is simple because it provides immediate feedback shortly after customer encounter (California Employers Association, n.d). Data collected through transactional survey may be regarded as qualitative because the kinds of responses obtained mainly include impressions of customers to general services and products relating to a particular business. Transactional surveys have advantages that can help

Monday, July 22, 2019

Having Our Say Essay Example for Free

Having Our Say Essay Sarah and Bessie Delany were extraordinary women. They were very intelligent, kind, yet feisty women. Sarah and Bessie Delany were very close sisters and lived to be one hundred and four and one hundred and nine years of age. The Delany sisters were able to live long because of the way they lived their life. Over all these two women lived a good life and had two loving, caring, and wise parents to help who they have become in our American history, but life for The Delany sisters was not always easy they faced many hardships to have the respect they do today. In the book Having Our Say The Delany Sisters’ First 100 Years The Delany sisters faced many challenges because they were sheltered, educated and black African American females. The Delany sisters grew up at Saint Augustine’s school in Raleigh, NC. The Delany family was a very religious family and tried to follow all the rules to living a good sinful life (56, 57). Being in their early twenties the Delany sisters world only consist of Saint Aug’s college and downtown Raleigh. They only have visited two places Yak, Virginia and Fernandina, Florida (115). Henry Delany; the sisters’ father was the first elected African American bishop of the Episcopal churches (3). Therefore the Delany children were look highly upon and the Delany sisters were very sheltered growing up. Bessie talked about how sheltered and clueless she and Sadie were when she made the statement, Our childhood years were so protected, we didn’t have but the vaguest notion of what sex. We had a neighbor who said to us once, â€Å"You girls are so green, it’s no wonder those cows don’t mistake you for grass and gobble you up. † (84). The Delany sisters didn’t live like normal kids. They help raise their seven younger brother and sisters, and wasn’t aloud to go anywhere off Saint Aug’s campus without supervision. Living in the city of Raleigh when the Delany sisters became young women in their mid twenties they eventually moved to New York after visiting a few time. The two sisters were afraid and didn’t know how to talk to men without feeling uncomfortable they were very educated and disciplined, but when it came to having streets smarts they lack a lot of that (111). Sadie had one guy friend name frank who took liking to her and her father was not very fond of him and forbidden Sadie from seeing him again. Bessie said â€Å"I suppose Lemuel and Papa thought they were doing the right thing by Sadie, forbidding her to see frank anymore, but I don’t think was right. She was a grown woman. She should have had a say† (121). The Delany sisters turned out fine, but if they weren’t so sheltered life could have gone a little smoother for them. In the early 1900’s it was very rare for any African Americans to have any education beyond high school. All the Delany children went to college and got the education. Sadie Delany graduated from Saint Aug in 1910 and in the same year got her first teaching job working for Wake County public schools in North Carolina (112,113). A few years later Bessie graduated from Saint Aug’s and got a job just like her sister in Boardman, NC. In 1913 Bessie went to Brunswick, GA to teach at an Episcopal school for African American children (130). In 1915 the Delany sisters took their first trip to New York City and fell in love with the big city (139). The Delany sisters moved there in to further there education. Sadie faced problems when she started school in New York. Sadie said I had a difficult time at first, because I really had to scramble in courses like chemistry. That was a problem for a lot of colored students. Often, our early training was not as good as the white students’ because colored schools had no money. (149) Many whites labeled blacks as â€Å"dumb†. Sadie didn’t get a grade that she deserved in her chemistry class, and the teacher was discriminating against her. The Delany sisters had to prove that they were capable of learning and succeeding just as much as white people were, and it was already hard for them because they were black, but being a black female made it almost impossible to be taken seriously. Being a black person in America was hard living and worse being black and living in the south than anywhere else especially after the Jim Crow laws were passed. The Delany sisters took trips often to the drug store Bessie said â€Å"I was not a crying child, except when it came to being treated badly because of my race, like when they wouldn’t serve us at the drug store counter† (105). Being a black female back in that time they received worse disrespects than just being a black male. But if there were blacks that were lighter skinned they were treated somewhat better because they were close to looking white. Bessie said â€Å"To be lighter-skinned was more desirable If you were very dark skinned you were looked down upon. We saw in our own family that people treated the lighter-skinned children better†. (106) Throughout the Delany sisters life they have had to go through the constant disrespect of race and discrimination. Having gone what the Delany sister went through they became wonderful, courageous, educated women. All the struggle they went through made them stronger and how they lived their life helped them live for as long as they did to tell their life obstacles and achievements.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Leadership Performance Of Marks and Spencer And Tesco

Leadership Performance Of Marks and Spencer And Tesco Leadership is the process of influencing other people to accomplish an objective and direct them, as individual or as a group, which makes it more cohesive and coherent. Kurt Lewin (1939) led a group of researchers to identify different styles of leadership. Authoritarian or Autocratic This management style is used when manager or leader sets objectives and tells employees what to be done, how it is to be accomplished without getting any advice or feedback from them and strongly encourages obedience. In this case the group becomes dependent on the leader which often leads to frustration with the management often resulting in high supervision, micro-management, and loss of cohesion. This style should be used only on rare occasions like on a new employee who has just started the job. A dynamic leader would prefer this style of management when he has all the information to deal with the problems, he is running short of time and his employers are well motivated. Illustration by Author Participative or Democratic As the name suggests this style encourages the participation of staff and employees in the decision making process. Being asked for their ideas makes employees feel they are important part of the organisation and encourages them to put in extra effort. The final decision of making authority rests with the leader. This style of management is a positive sign of strength and trust which will make employees respect you. Dynamic leader will use this management style when he only has part of information and needs input from his employees. Leader might know more than most of his employees but still he does not know everything and that is the reason for employing experienced and skilful people to help him. Delegative or Laissez-faire In this management style the leader allows employees to make the decisions freely within broad limits. This results in relaxed atmosphere as there are very few guidelines to adhere to which may lead to lack of motivation and low productivity. This style is to be used when the employees are capable of analysing the problems and are experienced enough to know what is to be done and how. This style should not be used as a tool to blame others when things go wrong. The best leader is the one who does not follow one particular style but tries to achieve a balance between these three styles depending upon the situation. Leadership And Change Management The most important factor during the process of change is the ability, competence and skill of leader to manage the whole process. Kurt Lewin identified stages of change viz. unfreeze, transition, and refreeze (Strategies for managing change). Refreeze Transition Unfreeze Illustration by Author Unfreeze or Preparation For The Change What we mean by preparing for change is creating the right environment, preparing resources and processes that might take place in future. Just like a healthy individual is more capable of coping with diseases and infections similarly a well prepared organisation is in better position to cope with effects of changes. The leadership will play an important role by means of sensible planning and decision making abilities. Transition or Implementation Process This is the middle period from the announcement of the change complete to the successful installation of the change. This is the most critical point during the change process marked by the instability, lack of direction and low motivation of employees due to fear of their instable future. An effective leadership during this period will be focused on helping employees understand the future direction of the organisation after change and secondly by making the change meaningful. People will go to extraordinary length for causes they believe in and a powerful leader will convince the employees on the importance of change to get maximum out of them. Refreeze Or Conclusion Of The Change Process This is the period that comes after the initial phases of instability and insecurity, which has now subsided and due to effective role of leadership the employees have become more focused towards the new direction of the organisation. An efficient leadership will during this process work towards improving the work life of the employees and assuring them about the positive direction that the organisation is moving in. Strategies And Policies At MS And Tesco The major general strategy available to leaders of all major organisation including Tesco and MS is that they either choose to be the lowest cost retailer and become market leader or differentiate products and services so that it is valued by customers to the extent that they are willing to pay a premium price. When it comes to MS in their core products (food and clothing), they attempt to achieve differentiation from others. Tesco on the other hand has focused to attract more customers by being low cost retailer. Both Tesco and MS are most successful organisation in UK and both of them consider training and development of their employees as very crucial for their business. Training and development forms important part of organisational strategy of Tesco and MS mostly because their success has been characterised by their expansion. Moreover to ensure that they remain ahead of competition they place high importance on training and development. Management realized that there is no better way to achieve this rather than through the use of training and development. (Paisley, 1999). The initiative of Lead to succeed by the MS leadership is an example of the importance they attach to identify and train future leaders. This programme is being heralded as the flagship development programme and is considered to be a key component in its future people strategy. (Verity Gough, training zone,08/11/2010) Tescos slogan every little helps which shows their commitment to reduce prices and increase customer service is now used in their staff training as well. Tescos leadership believes that any intervention by them will lead to an increase in the knowledge and expertise of their workforce. In 2007 when Sir Stuart Rose, was leading MS he announced a policy document to strengthen the green credentials of MS. According to the policy document presented by Sir Stuart Rose MS would commit to a range of actions at the cost of  £200 million over the period of next five years. The aim of this hundred-point five year plan was to reengineer the companys activities to meet a range of socially responsible goals including ethical trading, health promotion products, sustainable sourcing, and carbon neutrality thus making MS green leader in retail market. This initiative by Sir Stuart Rose was widely seen as an example of creative leadership skill. (Leaders We Deserve,2008). Again in April 2007 there was an episode which presented a leadership dilemma for Sir Stuart Rose. Bryan Ferry who was at that time modelling clothes for MS was embroiled in a controversy regarding his admiration for Nazi iconography. Following Ferrys apology over the matter MS distanced itself from singer and officially released a statement that it did not give its opinions on views that were expressed by people in other situations and refused to comment further on this issue. (Leaders We Deserve,2007). Present chief executive of MS is Marc Bolland. He served as chief executive of supermarket chain Wm Morrison and beat MSs internal candidates to bag this post in 2009. In November 2010, he announced a large number of changes to the policy and strategies followed by his predecessor Sir Stuart Rose by stating that MSs goal is now to become an international retailer. In a multibillion pound revamp he announced scaling back of his predecessor plans of retailing various branded groceries like Marmite and Coca Cola and also axing portfolio fashion-for-fifty somethings. He also planned to open more simply food stores less than two years after Sir Stuart close 25 of them, scrapping retailing of household gadgets like TVs and iPods. He also announced plans to spend  £300 million a year for next three years on revamping UK stores which recently under Sir Stuart had  £3bn makeover. Bolland used expertise of management consultants from McKinsey to come up with this grand plan. His research picked that among other things the customers struggled to navigate MS stores( he tested 30 colleagues to find five items in one hour, only eight succeeded), customer had problems understanding in-house brands like Per Una, Limited and Autograph, and that only one in five shopped in homewares department -thereby making sales improvement in that area key focus. During this analysis he also talked to surviving members of the founding families of MS and concluded that MS should do things that other brands dont do. In 2008 MS annual profits reached a  £1bn but due to recession it was down to  £700m. New leadership has not made any promises but Mr. Bolland is confident of his plans. (, 2010). Tesco, before Sir Terry Leahy took control, was just a market follower with the strategy catch-up. It was Sir Terry Leahy who directed Tesco towards leading through market knowledge and in process making it largest in the UK. He transformed Tesco into a customer-centric organisation. His strategies including diversification into non-food retail moves into clothing, banking, and its international expansion helped Tesco become the biggest and most profitable in the UK. He was responsible for the Tesco Clubcard. It was because of his successful strategies and policies that he was voted most admired leader eight times in the past decade. Recent announcement that Sir Terry Leahy will step down saw Tesco shares drop by 2.4% this gives an idea of importance of Sir Terry Leahy to Tesco as an organisation. He will be succeeded by Philip Clarke who will be brining his own brand of leadership. In case of Tesco this change may have various implications as at the end of such a long and successful tenure of Sir Terry Leahy its not just the investors who are liable to anxiety. He was strongly associated with Tesco brand so effective succession planning will be critical and its going to be tricky for his successor. Board members who missed this top position will be major problem for Philip.( Personneltoday, Beth Holmes, June 2010). There are various situations where the leadership skills of Tescos management have played a significant role in overcoming hurdles. One such incident can be recalled in their joint venture case in 1999. At that same time the French hypermarket named Carrefour had tried to enter Korean markets but it failed miserably. However, in the same year Tesco entered into a joint venture with Samsung under the name of Samsung Tesco Homeplus. The Korean population have preference for local supermarkets chains. This fact was ignored by Carrefour but Tescos management took this localization factor seriously and tried to give this joint venture a local outlook resulting in its success. This joint venture faced difficulty in 1999 just after the merger. The main reason behind this was the low morale of the employees because of various cultural differences arising out of the merger. However to avoid the mistakes which resulted in Carrefours failure and to tackle this issue the leaders at Tescos and Sa msung started the Shinbaration task force initiative. This initiative went a long way in balancing out the major differences between the work forces of these two organisations. As a result of this positive approach of Tesco leadership it was able to get a strong foothold in Korean markets and had recently announced it expansion plans by opening eight additional outlets in the country (ISN, March 2010). CONCLUSION Thus we note that the tremendous success of both MS and Tesco can be to a large extent attributed to the effective and competent leadership skills demonstrated by their leaders whether be it in terms of dealing with their competitor, changing business environments, or internal troubles. The new leadership of both these organisations has so far been able to cope well with the handover process.

Florence Nightingale Theory Case Study

Florence Nightingale Theory Case Study Clinical Application of Florence Nightingale Theory (Paper) Amber Hussain Overview of Theory Everything in this world that has been created by God has some meaning attached to it and has to perform some role in this world. Similarly[M1] Florence Nightingale developed modern nursing based on her life experiences. She was the pioneer who gave the concept of nursing education and was considered as the first nursing theorist. It was a Crimean war where serving as nurse and observing dead patients forced her to develop an environmental theory. Her first theory was termed as â€Å"environmental theory† and was published in 1860. The theory describes the relationship of people with their environment. According to her, disease is a reparative process, which is not always the cause of sufferings but nurses ought to modify the environment for nature to act upon[M2]. Selanders (2010) comments that â€Å"The principle of environmental alteration has served as a framework for research studies† (P.88). Nightingales’ environmental theory reflects a great consideration in providing holistic approach to the patients by inculcating four major metaparadigms which consist of individual, environment, health and Nursing. All four concepts are interlinked with each other. An individual is a human being who is effected by the environment and acted upon by a nurse. Environment is a way which a nurse can manipulate for natural laws to act in order to make the human body healthy or vice versa. Health is viewed as a holistic level of wellness which is maintained by the customized environmental factors and facilitated by the nurses to maintain it. In the same way, for Florence, nursing is a separate entity in the field of medicine and the vital role of a nurse is to keep the patient in an environment where they remain healthy and where the maximum healing takes place. â€Å"The nurse is responsible for maintaining the environment in such a manner as to maintain the health of the patient† (Selanders, 2010, p.87) These environmental alterations are represented as the canons of Florence Nightingale environmental theory which are classified into 13 sub concepts. These canons includes ventilation and warming, health of houses, noise, light, nutrition, bed bedding, personal cleanliness, variety ,taking food, petty management, chattering hopes and observation of the sick. She believed that this is the responsibility of nurse to alter the environment in a manner that it can help the patient to have a better recovery. She emphasized that air a person breaths should be clean, odor free and room temperature should be moderate. Houses should be clean and well-constructed. A good sunlight and calm surroundings should also be considered as they create tangible effects on body. Patient and a nurse should practice hand hygiene as a Personal cleaning. Bed should be dry, wrinkle free and placed at the lowest portion. Individual should be preferred to eat small frequent meals without any distractions. Patien t should be provided hopes and all his concerns should be listened and addressed. Lastly, nurse should keenly observe patient and his environment. All these will help to provide patients with patient centered care. Clinical Scenario This theory can be applicable in different clinical scenarios with different context but I can best relate it to a clinical scenario related to my life experience, which stunned me during my student life. It was one of the government hospitals where I was assigned in a pediatric ward with 4 years old patient suffering from pneumonia. Next to my assigned bead was a 3years old baby boy who came with the complaint of dehydration. Child was on intravenous fluids and antibiotics. While nurse was taking history from the mother, I realized that he belongs to a poor family and has recurrent history of cough since after his birth. Child was recovering well and was advised to discharge. Few hours before his discharge, he developed small red scaly spots on the back which within 3-4 hrs increased in size and spread to the extremities. Mother shared the concern with nurse, to which she said that these are just heat rashes which can probably be due to hot weather. In order to provide comfort to baby, mother started applying heat powder on child’s whole body butbaby became restless due to itching and burning of rashes. After few hours, the rashes appeared on whole body including chest and face due to which child was presented with respiratory distress. Mother started hue and cry due to which the nurse and doctors arrived. Nurse started to perform vital signs and she observed that baby’s respiration and pulse were high. Doctor diagnosed these as anaphylact ic reaction which were a result of urticarian rashes. The child was kept on triple regimen therapy including prednisolone and was suggested for allergy test and Complete Blood Count (CBC). Laboratory diagnosis reveled that WBCs was high and baby was reported as severely allergic to dust. After this incident, I was stressed up as a baby who was about to discharge, suddenly developed allergy which converted to anaphylaxis. I did a root cause analysis and identified the following possible reasons: i) baby was not bathed since 3 days, ii) there was no bedding changed and iii) the room was full of dust heaps, eatables and wet clothes. After realizing its root cause, I changed bedding and gave bath to the child. I also taught mother the importance of giving regular bath, its proper techniques and also emphasized on personal hygiene. Analysis of Clinical Scenario by Applying Florence Nightingale Theory Keeping all the views into considerations, the above case I experienced is now to be related to the theory of Florence Nightingale. In Nightingales four metaparadigm, Individual is a 3 years old baby who required proper environment. Dehydration is a disease due to which patient was admitted. Unchanged bedding, dirty area and lack of patient care are the environmental factors due to which the baby suffered from anaphylaxis and also other patient, staff and relatives were at risk. The nurse is the one who was assigned with baby, and did not pay attention on the environment. If a nurse having skills and knowledge, could have altered the baby’s environment, then baby would have not suffered with sever anaphylactic reaction. According to Florence Nightingale (1996) â€Å"If a patient is cold, if a patient is feverish, if a patient is faint, if he is sick after taking food, if he has a bed-sore, it is generally the fault not of the disease, but of the nursing† (p. 6). By taking environmental theory into account, the major canons which suits in above clinical scenario are ventilation and warming, health of houses, bed bedding, personal cleanliness and observation of the sick. Ventilation and warmth is the most important concept without which other concepts are nothing. The area where baby was present was dirty and full of the foul smell due to the presence of food and damp cloths. The damp cloth which dries in patient room can go into the air where patient is present. The eatables which were present without cover/lid, the moisture of that evaporates in patient area and can spoil the air. The nurse and mother were so insensitive that they were unable to recognize that patient is being treated in an unhygienic environment. â€Å"The more that is known about your child’s environmental exposures and experiences, the more accurately one can predict the risk of immune dysfunction and immune-related disease† (Dietert, Rodney Janice, 2010, p.15). However, Nightingales strongly emphasized on the presence of fresh and clean air as well as avoidance of foul smell and fumigations. It is the air we breathe which purifies the blood. This impure air if provided with untidy room can be a disaster for the patient as he can develop numerous diseases. Nightingale explains the above factor in her concept Health[M3] of houses. The room in which the baby was admitted was full of dust and there was no one, including a nurse who noticed and rectified this factor. Therefore, dust heap was the source of environmental impurity and patient’s allergic factor. This factor was coupled with the allocation of beds in the room. The beds were so congested that there was no such corner where outer atmosphere find its way for providing clean and fresh air. The patient care was further compromised by the bedding that was available for the patient. It is well explained in the cannon bed and bedding. The nurse was aware of the fact that the b edding that is offered to patient hasn’t changed since few days. The child, who was already sick and was depositing his exhaled sick breath and body’s unsafe flora into the bed, had exaggerated his sickness due to the unchanged and old wrinkle full bedding provided to him. According to Nightingale, the large amount of moisture of exhaled air goes into bedding which contains organic matter and is noxious for health. Beita (2013) also emphasized that â€Å"It’s a chore, but washing all bedding weekly in hot water is a sure way to get rid of dust mites† Personal cleaning, be one of the important canon is also nicely related to the baby’s health. Baby has not bathed since 3 days which made him more prone to infection and allergies. Nightingale in her theory intensely advised nurses to pay attention to patients’ personal hygiene. She also gave consideration to sponging methods, usage of soft water and hand washing. Last but not the least, observation of the sick is also a very essential canon to be integrated with the case. In this scenario nurse did not had a sound observation and she neglected patient care. Even, when mother of the baby made her realize that baby is having rashes, she ignored and gave falsify reason of having heat rashes. She did not observe that the environmental factors has became a cause of patient sufferings. While, according to Florence Nightingale, The most important practical lesson that can be given to nurses is to teach them what to observe—how to observe—what symptoms indicate improvement—what the reverse—which are of importance—which are of none—which are the evidence of neglect—and of what kind of neglect. Due to all these environmental factors the baby in this scenario ended up with anaphylactic reaction which could have been prevented if all above measures would have taken care. Let us consider the impact of local context which affect the critical incident of the case. Primarily, the age of baby (3years old), his present complaint (dehydration) and his history of recurrent cough made him susceptible to acquire infection and allergies. â€Å"Children, because of their smaller bodies are more vulnerable to the impacts of bad indoor air† (Beita, 2013). Secondly unidentified allergies were present during his admission which badly effected baby’s health. Then the misperception of the nurse that the red spots are heat rashes due to warm weather, ended baby with anaphylaxis. Also, the nurse’s lack of knowledge regarding environmental influence and her busy schedule, compromised baby’s hygiene care, which leads baby to severe life threatening condition The impact of this scenario is not only on the individual baby, but it can also be on all the patients admitting to the particular ward/ hospital, due to unfavorable environment. It is also evident in the scenario that client belong to the poor family, which contributes to the economic burden to the family and consequently on the community. Hypothesis Derived from Theory to Test Nursing Interventions If Government will invest more in the infrastructure of hospitals, it will decrease the chances †¦ If nursing training is being provided up to the mark in every nursing institution, then patient recovery would be fast If infection control educations have been done continuously in media, then it will decrease chances of infection allergies If hospitals would develop their policies and procedures, then it will reduce nosocomial and other infections If signs of specific allergies/ infections have been posted in hospital as a guide for nurses, they would easily rectify the problem and patient complication would be less. Summarization To summarize, integrating Nightingale’s theory in the clinical scenario, has increased my knowledge regarding this particular theory and it helped me to view nursing as discipline. This assignment has basically given me theoretical concepts for understanding my own experienced observation, in a more meaningful way. I have never thought about this unpleased clinical scenario but through this assignment and integration of theory I did analysis of my observation which pointed out to specific outcomes. Also it helps me to make connections while considering options for interventions. For this theory I now realize that though this theory was developed in early century, however its implication is still consistent with modern era and many health care professionals are consistently following it in some way or the other. I will also apply this theory whenever and wherever it would be pertinent, as it helps to prevent from many diseases and infections. References: Beita,B.(2013). Home breathable home. The Environmental Magazine. 24 (3): 28-9 Dietert, Rodney R., Janice. (2010). Strategies for protecting your childs immune system:  Tools for parents and parents -to-be. Singapore: W.S: Hackensack Nightingale, F. (1992). Notes on Nursing: what it is and what it is not. Philadelphia PA: J.B.  Lippincott Company Selanders, L.C. (2010). The Power of Environmental Adaptation: Florence Nightingales  Original Theory for Nursing Practice. Journal of Holistic Nursing.28 (1), 81-88. The Power of Environmental Adaptation: Florence Nightingales Original Theory for Nursing Practice 2010 Louise C. Selanders, EdD, RN, FAAN  Journal of Holistic Nursing American Holistic Nurses Association Volume 28 Number 1 March 2010 81-88  © 2010 AHNA 10.1177/0898010109360257 Becker, E. (2001, August 27). Prairie farmers reap conservations rewards. The New York Times. Retrieved from Strunk, W., Jr., White, E. B. (1979). The guide to everything and then some more stuff. New York, NY: Macmillan. Gregory, G., Parry, T. (2006). Designing brain-compatible learning (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin. The interactions between the body and environmental factors generally follow very simple rules. Some exposures are useful and may play a critical role in promoting good health. Others are problematic and can damage the health of our children. Title:Strategies for Protecting Your Childs Immune System : Tools for Parents and Parents -to-be Author:Dietert, Rodney R., Dietert, JaniceDate:2010 Source:E: The Environmental MagazineDate:May 1,2013. Home breathable home by beita belli The general definition of environment is anything that, through manipulation, assists in putting the individual in the best possible condition for nature to act. Therefore, the environment has internal and external components . (P.8) Journal of Holistic Nursing The Power of Environmental Adaptation: Florence Nightingales Original Theory for Nursing Practice 2010 Louise C. Selanders, EdD, RN, FAAN Journal of Holistic Nursing American Holistic Nurses Association Volume 28 Number 1 March 2010 81-88  © 2010 AHNA 10.1177/0898010109360257 [M1]Helen keller [M2]Did not understand [M3]Connectivity is missing

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Long Hard Road Out of Hell - Marilyn Manson :: autobiography autobiographies

The Long Hard Road out of Hell is an autobiography that allows us to temporarily enter the frontal lobe of the creative persona known as Marilyn Manson. Following the childish antics of the once innocent Brian Warner, the book gives us insight to the creation of the Pseudo Satanist, "Antichrist Superstar" we all know as Marilyn Manson. The grotesque life of Brian Warner is both disturbing and fascinating. From the moment I turned the first page, I was hooked. The book is well written, repulsive, perverse, demented, sexual, sleazy, violent, captivating and uncommonly addictive. The tragic tale of a rock star, lots of sex, drugs, and mental decay. Each new page holds a series of deep and dark secrets which ironically, is what makes the book so appealing to all of your senses. ?What was happening to me now seemed to be some kind of perverse combination of both types of self destruction? is a good example of him overcoming a hardship in his own life. (Pg. 232) It refers to his battle with cocaine addiction. Four and a half months into the production of his first mainstream album Antichrist Superstar, all he had was a few unfinished songs, a sore nose, and a hospital bill. He then hit rock bottom and realized that he needed to get his life back on track, which started him quitting cocaine. He then overcame his cocaine addiction in only a matter of weeks. Some people reading this would take solace and find strength within his experience that could help them with their own inner struggles. For these reasons I would highly recommend this book to just about anyone over a certain age. There are many people who would find this book offending, but I feel that it is very well written and honest. The book?s intention is not malicious, it is not meant to offend anyone, and in parts can be very appealing to your intellect. Reading this book also opened my eyes to how media portrays celebrities, and how superficial the world we live in really is.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Harmartias in Julius Caesar :: Julius Caesar Essays

Harmartias in Julius Caesar Throughout the play of "Julius Caesar" Brutus makes many mistakes or harmartias, which eventually lead to his tragic downfall. Although Brutus makes many harmartias I feel that these three are the most important. The largest harmartia that Brutus makes is listening to Cassius, in the beginning. Another harmartia Brutus makes is deciding not to kill Antony. Brutus also makes the mistake of meeting Antony's army in Philippi instead of waiting at the camp. These three harmartias of Brutus will be greater explained in the next three paragraphs. Brutus made a large harmartia listening to Cassius' speak about assassinating Caesar. Brutus is very naive and because Cassius is clever he can make Brutus agree with him. Cassius himself even says, "If I were Brutus now, and he were Cassius, He should not humour me." (Shakespeare Act 1, Scene 2, Lines 314-315). If Brutus did not listen to Cassius, he wouldn't have joined the conspiracy, and Brutus' tragedy would have never happened. This is why Brutus should have never listened to Cassius' conspiracy plan. A large harmartia that Brutus made was not killing Antony. Brutus says, " For Antony is but a limb of Caesar." (Shakespeare Act 2, Scene 1, Line 165). . Brutus feels that Antony would not be able to do anything without Caesar, and would probably commit suicide. Cassius thinks that Antony should be killed, but does not argue with Brutus. Antony ends up being even stronger without Caesar and is a tyrant ruler in a triumvirate. Antony and his army are the reason why Brutus kills himself. If Brutus did kill Antony he would probably of lived and been a ruler Rome. Another harmartia that Brutus made was meeting the armies of Antony and Octavius in Philippi instead of having them come closer to the camp. Once again Cassius thinks differently than Brutus. Cassius says, "'Tis better that the enemy seek us; So shall he waste his means, weary his soldiers, Doing himself offence; whilst we, lying still, Are full of rest, defence, and nimbleness." (Shakespeare Act 4, Scene 3, Line 198-201). Brutus thinks that they should meet at Philippi because the enemy armies will grow on the way to the camp.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Nature Walk

Naturally Urban It’s a bizarre concept, really. The idea of large natural parks smack dab in the middle of large cities. But I guess no one put them there, but rather we’ve built up around them. Nature is defined as â€Å"the natural world as it exists without human beings or civilization. † When people talk about â€Å"nature† the first thing that generally comes to mind is picturesque landscapes fit for calendars and desktop backgrounds. A Google image search of the word nature returns over 3,290,000,000 results of too good to be true photos of waterfalls, canyons, mountains, palm trees and lagoons.Each of these landscapes seems to be a snapshot of some distant natural beauty that is somewhere far away from industrialization. Not one image hints at the idea of human interference. The message these pictures convey is that nature exists only completely disconnected from human life and civilization. Similarly, a common first thought response to the world â €Å"wildlife† is visions of large animals roaming jungles and deserts and forests, in deep unpopulated areas.I’ll admit that I definitely perceived nature this way for a good amount of time. Recently, however, I’ve adopted a new idea. Obviously influenced by living in the Bronx and having to re-adjust to the concept of nature, I think I’ve developed a greater appreciation of it. Van Cortlandt Park, spanning over 1,146-acres and ranking as the fourth largest park in New York City sits right next to me. In New York, it boasts one of the highest rates of rare plant species and is home to wildlife not seen many other places in the city.On paper in comparison to many of our countries national parks and wildlife conservancies, it is an unimpressive blip in the guide book. But I’ll argue that picture perfect landscapes in the middle of nowhere have less to prove than a deeply nature rich park competing with the urban spectacle of one of the biggest cities in the world. I think it’s the stark contrast that allows for a deeper appreciation of what nature is. I couldn’t explain this in words until I walked from my apartment down to Van Cortlandt Park for the first time.When I walk out of the front door of my three story walk up-overpriced-student apartment- I’m immediately greeted by the familiar scent of garbage piling up on my curb and the sight of scaffolding for construction that never seems to be finished, if it’s even been started. Walking down 238th street the air is thick with the aromas of Chinese food and pizza and that weird stale beer smell that wafts out of Fenwick’s bar in the daylight. Deranged looking squirrels are fighting over what looks to be the sorry end of a bacon egg and cheese thrown on the ground.A standard lulling sound of traffic, people and bustle is all I can really hear. Strangely, as I descend upon the steep 238th stairs down to Broadway, what lies ahead is an even more urban and bustling scene. The stairs themselves are a treat as well. The pits that lay on either side of the railings are filled with a grab bag selection of beer bottles, soda cans, plastic bags and any other trash someone couldn’t throw in a garbage can. The stairs are also shadowed by two high rise apartment buildings packing in more people than I could probably imagine.As I get closer to Broadway the focus seems to be on the loud rumble and screeching of the subway overhead, with lots of people racing up the stairs to get on. Walking on Broadway towards the park is dark and shady from the subway. When I near 242nd street, I could throw a rock to 4 different fast food places, a liquor store and a few bars. Gypsy cab drivers are standing around the Dunkin Donuts acting as friendly loiterers but asking if I need a ride. I contemplate grabbing an iced coffee but then feel strange about bringing it into the park as I attempt to experience nature.My caffeine fix can wait I gues s. Crossing the street to the park entrance is almost laughable. Dodging four lanes of traffic and a bus route, I find myself standing safely on the other side. After shuffling around a crowd of people waiting for the bus, I enter the park and walk towards the conservancy. Would it be dramatic for me to say the air changed? I’m willing to say that it did. I kid you not it was fresher. The sound of the subway was gone and the air felt like something you were happy to breathe in. It smelled like good old fashion nature. I smell dirt and grass and its lacking any cheap food stench.The conservancy looks as old-world as the rest of the park makes you feel. The stones are weathered and the architecture is a far cry from high-rises and bodegas. Walking further into the trail I notice you can feel the life in the area. Without the outside noises I can feel every crunching footstep and ever rustle in the leaves. I’m not one to notice birds, but for some reason I take note of a few flying in and out of the tree line. Looking at the different plants is interesting. Something I would normally just classify as leaves I notice there is a great variety. My mind wanders to survival.My school bag suddenly feels like a bag of supplies and I feel like I’m in an episode of LOST. That makes me smile when I remember I can still probably throw a rock and hit Burger King. The trees are magnificent. Tall and dignified and old. The understory trees are strong and full. I fall victim to technology when I find myself trying to lookup what kinds of trees they are on my phone. Understory tree species come up as Ironwood, American Hop Hornbeam, and Flowering Dogwood. The taller trees yield results of Tulip Tree, Red Oak, White Oak, Bitternut Hickory, Sweet Gum and White Pine.The pictures are so tiny on my phone I can barely use it as a guide. I make a mental note to look when I get home. I sit down for a minute to try and get a full surroundings view. It feels really ni ce to be sitting here in this beauty. I feel like I haven’t seen this many trees in a long time. I don’t really see much animal life besides a few squirrels and birds, but I know it’s there. I can feel movement in the space. Insects of a dozen different kinds are under a rock I turn over which is cool. Bugs don’t scare me and I like knowing where to find them. They’re so small and seem particularly hard to identify.I check my phone and realize I should probably head out if I plan on making it to my next class on time. I’m going to need to follow the same route back to campus. Over the traffic and up the stairs out of this haven I’m in right now. It’s sad to say this is the first time I’ve done this, sat here and enjoyed the park. I’ll need to come back for sure and spend more time. Replacing the movement of people and things out on Broadway with trees and wildlife down here is an amazing feeling. I’m almost positive this place would not seem so beautiful if the urban landscape of the rest of the Bronx wasn’t right outside the gates.

Satire, humor and irony

In the A twainods short story, there be two speakers. One is trying to write a story while the former(a) gives his cerebration or views on the words that the motive is using for his story. Their conversation centers on the mistakes or errors in the writers excerpt of words. The poems in the readings show that irony and sarcasm need to be ludicrous at all times. Shakespeares poems did not tally imagination. He only made usance of irony in writing his pieces intimately particularly the poem, My mistress eyes are nothing like the son. On the other hand, Kennedys poem, A Visit from St. Sigmund Freud, is sarcastic but not entirely humorous for it talks about(predicate) a precise serious matter. In talking about Freud and Santa Claus, Kennedy did not utilize humor. His writing took on a serious tone hardly like Shakespeare did for his poem. The plays of Seinfeld and Leguizamo are very beguile as readings for humor, irony, and satire for the writers of the said plays wrote th em for the enjoyment of entertaining the readers. The goal of the said plays was to parent laughter. They were meant to be humorous. They are clear examples of how humor is taken as the theme of literature.