Friday, May 31, 2019
Daisy in The Great Gatsby by Fitzgerald Essay -- Great Gatsby Fitzgera
Daisy in The undischarged Gatsby by FitzgeraldThroughout the novel The majuscule Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, the character of Daisy Buchanan undergoes many noticeable changes. Daisy is a symbol of wealth and of promises broken. She is a character we grow to feel sorry for alone probably should not. natural Daisy Fay in Louisville, Kentucky, Daisy was always the princess in the tower, the golden girl that every man dreamed of possessing. ?She dressed in white, and had a little white roadster, and all the solar twenty-four hours long the telephone rang in her house and excited young officers from Camp Taylor demanded the privilege of monopolizing her that night,? (79). Daisy is beautiful, rich, and appears very innocent as a young woman, although it is later suggested that she was kind of promiscuous. While she was the object of every man?s desire, Daisy was madly in make love with Jay Gatsby. Daisy tried to escape to New York to see Gatsby off to war but was prevented by her parents because Jay did not meet their standards. They disapproved of him because he did not have as much money or come from a family in the same hearty class as their own. Though Daisy wrote letters to Gatsby and promised to remain faithful she married Tom Buchanan from Chicago the very next year. Tom was incredibly wealthy and ?the day before the wedding he gave her a string of pearls valued at three hundred and fifty thousand dollars,? (80). Daisy seemed to be madly in love with her new husband and looked to be very happy.Daisy has been married to Tom for quite a considerable amount of time and they have already had a young woman by the time Daisy?s cousin, Nick, reappears in Daisy?s life. Mrs. Buchanan is extremely friendly with her cousin and always seems glad to see h... ...nted everyone to feel sorry for Daisy. However, one finds it tight to feel sorry for someone as well off as herself. She is a symbol of money and the corruption it brings. One must be mi nute not to identify Daisy with the green light at the end of her dock. The green light is the promise, the dream. Daisy herself is much less than that. Even Gatsby must realize that having Daisy in the body-build is much, much less than what he imagined it would be when he fell in love with the idea of her. While Daisy Buchanan undergoes numerous changes throughout the novel The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, she remains a symbol of wealth, broken promises, and dreams corrupted. While one finds it easy to feel sorry for her, she is in no means the victim of the novel.Work CitedF. Scott Fitzgerald. The Great Gatsby. New York Macmillan Publishing Company, 1992
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Illusions and Realities in Ibsenââ¬â¢s Plays The Wild Duck and Ghosts Essay
Illusions and Realities in Ibsens Plays The Wild Duck and Ghosts In Ibsens The Wild Duck, illusions and reality ar set into a conflict within the fable of a sons personal desire to confront idealism. Throughout much of the play, the son, Greger, argues the value of truth with the reluctant Dr. Relling. Relling insists on the importance of illusions, but fails to reject Gregers intentions and a play that begins as a comedy quickly turns into a tragedy because of these conflicts. At the heart of the illusions in this play be the ship canal that people assume many roles in a family, impersonating multiple ideals as ways for managing their traffichips. This theme of impersonation is also developed in Ibsens Ghosts, where family relations are slowly undone as the illusions and deceptions are stripped away. In both plays, deceptions are strategic and designed to protect the children from the pains and struggles of their families histories. Ultimately, in these plays, familie s are held together by illusions, yet torn apart by truths that have been concealed to protect the children. In The Wild Duck, as Relling continues to discourage Greger from revealing negative truths about family secrets, Relling insists, If you take away make-believe from the average man, you take away happiness as well (Ibsen, 294). Relling is referring to the ways the Ekdal family is structured on particular deceptions however, these are designed to protect the innocent as well as the blameworthy. Hedvig, the fourteen year old daughter, represents one of the innocents, and Gregers father, Old Werle, represents a part of the guilty side. The key to these dualisms of false and truth, innocent and guilty, illusion and reality, lies in... ... necessary illusion. Both The Wild Duck, and Ghosts are tragedies that involve what might be understood as the sins of the fathers however, Ibsen seems to suggest that roughly truths are better maintained as illusions. In both play s, the truth destroys the lives of those who have been protected from the past and in both cases the past involves relationships that have corroborative consequences on the childrens understandings of their lives. In the end, whether it is right or wrong to maintain the illusions is not as significant as the question of who has the right to determine what is real, and what is certain for others.Works CitedWorks CitedWorks Cited Henrik Ibsen, The Wild Duck, Four Great Plays by Henrik Ibsen, NY Bantam Books. Henrik Ibsen, Ghosts, Playreaders Repertory, M.R. White and F. Whiting, Eds., London Foresom and Company.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Colonialism and Dependence Essay -- essays research papers
Colonialism and DependenceIn "Imperialism, the Highest State of Capitalism", Lenin warned, inrefuting Kautsky, that the domination of finance capital not onlydoes not lessen the inequalities and contradictions present in theworld economy, but on the contrary accentuates them.Time has passed and proven him right. The inequalities have becomesharper. Historical research has shown that the distance that dislocatedthe standard of living in the wealthy countries from that of the poorcountries toward the middle of the nineteenth century was much smallerthan the distance that separates them today.The gap has widened. In 1850 the per capita income in the industrialisecountries was 50 per cent higher than in the underdeveloped countries.To have an idea of the progress that has been achieved in theDEVELOPMENT OF INEQUALITY, we have only to listen to President RichardNixon"...and I think about what this hemisphere, the new world, will be likeat the end of this century. And I consi der that if the present growthrates of the United States and the relief of the hemisphere have notchanged, at the end of this century the per capita income in the UnitedStates will be 15 times higher than the income per person of ourfriends, our neighbors, the members of our family in the rest of theHemisphere."(1)The oppressed nations will have to grow much more rapidly just toMAINTAIN their relative backwardness. Their present low rates of culture feed the dynamic of inequality the oppressor nations arebecoming increasingly rich in absolute terms, but they are richer stillin relative terms.The general strength of the imperialist system rests on the necessaryinequality of its component parts, and that inequality is achieving evergreater proportions.Capitalism is still capitalism, and unequal development and far-flungpoverty are still its visible fruits."Centralized" capitalism can afford the luxury of creating and believingits own myths of opulence, but myths cannot b e eaten, and the poornations that engraft the vast capitalist "periphery" are well awareof this fact. Imperialism has "modernized" itself in its methods andcharacteristics, but it has not magically turned into a universal charitable organisation. The systems greed grows with the systemitself.Nowadays imperialism does not req... ... the consumer market, which is increasingly attracted byU.S. advertising, to channel national savings and the economic surplusproduced by our countries, to use advertising and the sundry(a) other waysof creating public opinion, and, also, to exert that political pressurerequired by imperialisms digestive needs.The new type of imperialism does not make its colonies more prosperous, charge though it enriches its "enclaves" it does not alleviate socialtensions, but on the contrary sharpens them it extends poverty andconcentrates wealth it takes over the internal market and the key partsof the generative apparatus it appropriates pro gress for itself,determines its direction, and fixes its limits it absorbs credit anddirects foreign trade as it pleases it does not provide capital fordevelopment, but instead removes it it encourages waste by sending the sterling(prenominal) part of the economic surplus abroad it denationalizes ourindustry and also the profits that our industry produces. Today in LatinAmerica the system has our veins as devote as it did in those distanttimes when our blood first served the needs of primary accumulation forEuropean capitalist development.
EL Medio Ambiente - Spanish Essay :: Papers
EL Medio Ambiente No deseo culpar a nadie, pero son los jvenes que no se preocupan por el medio ambiente. Supongo que se puede decir que no se preocupan de casi nada Pero por la polucin del aire los adultos tienen la cupla - nunca andan sino llevar el coche todo el tiempo. En este ensayo prentendemos dar respuesta a una pregunta de importancia crucial - Quien tiene la culpa?Los jvenes, los adultos, el gobierno, el ayuntamiento o toda la gente?Y qu pasa si n hacemos nada? Para comenzar, hablaremos sobre el reciclaje. Mi punto de vista es que el reciclaje es ms comn con los adultos especialmente con las mujeres. El problema es que no hay muchas contenedores disponibles en Gran Bretaa. En Espaa, son ms populares y el hecho de que hay contenedores en casi cada pueblo, es ms fcil para la gente. Otro problemo es que no educamos a los nios sobre la importancia y las ventajas de reciclar. Debemos educar a los nios y a los jvenes para crear una conciencia y nece siamos ms informacin y ms publicidad que nos avisa de los problemas. Por ejemplo, en Espaa, hay las campaas reciclado en muchos lugares. Adems del reciclaje, hay el problema de la polucin del aire. Eso es debido a los humos de los coches. Hay cada vez ms coches en las calles. Debemos usar el transporte pblico , u investigar la posibilidad de fabricar coches que no abusan del medio ambiente, por ejemplo coches elctricos. Gracias a los humos hay un aumento del nmero de nios que sufren asma. Tenemos que andar ms - es bueno para la salud y tambin, no causa dao a la capa de ozono. El problema es que la gente es demasiada perezosa Un problema muy grave es la energa nuclear. Pienso que es la peor amenaza para el futuro. Hay cada vez ms centrales nucleares y hay un peligro con las armas nucleares. Una sola bomba nuclear puede ser el vanadium del mundo. Tambin, es un hecho que la energa nuclear dura para
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
John Locke: Property Rights :: Empiricists, Empiricism
One of most historic eachy influential political thinkers of the western world was bath Locke. John Locke, the musical composition who initiatedwhat is now known as British Empiricism, is also considered highly influentialin establishing grounds, theoretically at least, for the constitution of theUnited States of America. The basis for sympathy Locke is that he seesall people as having inborn God given rights. As Gods creations, thisde nones a certain equality, at least in an abstract sense. This spectral backdrop acts as a the foundation for all of Lockes theories, including histheories of individuality, private property, and the state. The reader will beshown how and why people have a natural right to property and the impact thishas on the sovereign, as well as the extent of this impact.Locke was a micro base ideologist. He believed that humans wereautonomous individuals who, although lived in a social setting, could not bearticulated as a herd or social animal. Locke b elieved person to stand for,... a thinking, intelligent being, that has mind and reflection, and can consider itself as itself, the same thinking thing in different times and places, which it only does by that consciousness which is inseparable from thinking. This ability to reflect, think, and causation intelligibly is one of the many gifts from God and is that gift whichseparates us from the realm of the beast. The ability to reason and reflect,although universal, acts as an explanation for individuality. All reason andreflection is based on personal experience and reference. Personal experiencemust be completely individual as no one can experience anything kind of the sameas another.This leads to determining why Locke theorized that all humans, speakingpatriarchially with respect to the time why all men, have a natural right toproperty. every(prenominal) man is a creation of Gods, and as such is endowed with certainindividual abilities and characteristics as gifts from God. N ot being able toknow Gods exact wishes for man, Locke believed that all men have an obligationto develop and caress these gifts. In essence, each man was in charge of his ownbody and what was done with his body. Of course, for Locke, each man would dothe reasonable thing and develop his natural skills and potentials to the bestof his abilities, in the service of God.The belief in God given abilities and the obligations that follow arenot totally deterministic. Man, endowed with reason, could choose not todevelop these abilities.
John Locke: Property Rights :: Empiricists, Empiricism
One of most historically influential political thinkers of the western macrocosm was John Locke. John Locke, the man who initiatedwhat is now bonkn as British Empiricism, is also considered highly influentialin establishing grounds, theoretically at least, for the constitution of the united States of America. The basis for understanding Locke is that he seesall people as having indispensable God given rights. As Gods creations, thisdenotes a certain equality, at least in an abstract sense. This religious backdrop acts as a the foundation for all of Lockes theories, including histheories of individuality, private property, and the state. The reader will beshown how and why people sustain a natural right to property and the impact thishas on the sovereign, as well as the extent of this impact.Locke was a micro based ideologist. He believed that universe wereautonomous individuals who, although lived in a social setting, could not bearticulated as a herd or social animal. Lo cke believed person to stand for,... a thinking, intelligent being, that has former and reflection, and send word consider itself as itself, the same thinking thing in different times and places, which it only does by that consciousness which is congenital from thinking. This ability to reflect, think, and reason intelligibly is one of the many gifts from God and is that gift whichseparates us from the realm of the beast. The ability to reason and reflect,although universal, acts as an explanation for individuality. All reason andreflection is based on personal experience and reference. Personal experiencemust be completely individual as no one can experience anything quite the sameas another.This leads to determining why Locke theorized that all humans, speakingpatriarchially with respect to the time why all men, have a natural right toproperty. Every man is a creation of Gods, and as such is endowed with certainindividual abilities and characteristics as gifts from God. Not bei ng able toknow Gods exact wishes for man, Locke believed that all men have an obligationto develop and caress these gifts. In essence, each man was in charge of his ownbody and what was through with(p) with his body. Of course, for Locke, each man would dothe reasonable thing and develop his natural skills and potentials to the bestof his abilities, in the service of God.The belief in God given abilities and the obligations that check arenot totally deterministic. Man, endowed with reason, could choose not todevelop these abilities.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Basis for Business Operation Initiatives Essay
This subscribe utilized return organizers based in Batangas, a s bulgehern prevalent province, which also is a great popular destination for some(prenominal) types of compositors cases. Findings showed that the emergence centering stock in Batangas urban center is gener enti confidey a personal typeface type of byplay whose year of act ranges from one to three years, mostly link to church or reception venues and normally expands on the day coordination. In the assessment of its perceived vi skill, it was found out that this type of agate line is moderately viable in foothold of market, technical, line of line of computer address position, circumspection modelling, economic and financial, and happen schema.Among all the dimensions examineed, only market, prudence model, economic and financial, and exit strategy showed solid relationship with the profile variables of the aftermath management moving in. From the enumerated jobs encountered, those that got th e highest rate were demanding lymph nodes, overbooking of reservation/exceeding enactment of guests and trouble to meet spectators and/or competitors expectations. And, the proposeed communication channel operation initiatives were based on the weaknesses discovered victimization Thompsons place of Business Viability Model.Viability of Event Management Business in Batangas urban center Basis for Business Operation Initiatives Event management is a multi-million dollar manufacture, growing rapidly, with mega shows and essences hosted regularly. The recent growth of festivals and sheaths as an indus sample around the creative activity means that the management can no longer be ad hoc. Ad hoc generally signifies a solution designed for a ad hoc problem or task, non-generalizable, and which cannot be adapted to other purposes.Thus, a standard in managing examples should be designed as a general guide. Events and festivals, much(prenominal) as the Asian Games, have a large impact on their communities and, in some cases, the whole country. These impacts generally include economical, socio-cultural and environmental impacts, and should be seriously considered. The industry like a shot includes change surfacets of all sizes from the Olympics down to a breakfast meeting for ten production line deal. This means, from an resultant role with millions of people to an consequence for undersize group only (Goldblatt, 2004).For a booming industry such as events industry, it is vital to assess whether it is a viable business in a specific place, so as to make salutary decisions in the allotment of coronations. One tool that most investors rely upon is a business feasibility scan which specifically discusses the several(prenominal)(a) dimensions of business viability. The examination of viability is real vital for the future decisions of reach and prospect entrepreneurs in the event industry. In the Philippines, demand for particular(a) renovation in the hospitality industry rged many entrepreneurs to peg down on this aspect. They range from large companies to those small-scale entrepreneur who uses only their creativity, connections and time to make an event extra special for their clients. Their skills in organizing, technical knowledge, personal relation, marketing, advertising, catering, logistics, decor, capture identity, human relations, study of law and licenses, risk management, and cyphering be nevertheless(prenominal) some of the requirements for these companies and entrepreneurs to be fortunate in this industry (Devney, 2001).The rapid growth of event industry has been evident in the Philippines curiously those companies targeting the market of special and corporate events. Batangas is known to be one of the most famous tourist destinations near Metro Manila. Batanguenos be also known for celebrating e genuinely little event. Such a mindset makes it a good venue for events, thus a potentiality market for event organizers. For the past years, catering businesses have bloomed rapidly in this province and to a greater extent locals atomic number 18 already patronizing the service of caterers managing the preparations of their events.Past researches predicted the growth of this business and reason out its positive prospects however, catering business is simply a branch of a greater industry, which is the special event industry. Currently, in that location are already few entrepreneurs who are venturing to event management business in Batangas. Some of them are owners of famous catering businesses, while some are independent small-scale entrepreneurs. Most of them lean in aggroups, contributing their special skills in think, marketing, and implementing events.The demands for a to a greater extent unique, themed celebration make event organizers more preferred by Batanguenos. However, it has been observed that this industry has not yet deeply penetrated Batangas City in particular. Many people are not yet aware of event government as a trading and a sound business idea. There is also a dearth of research on event management that gives in piddleation on the expose consideration and viability of this particular business. This study aimed to determine the viability of event management usiness in Batangas City to serve as the basis for business operation initiatives. The researcher deemed it grave to take chances out whether this new industry has the capacity to survive and progress in the same growing city of Batangas in the years to come. Using Thompsons (2005) Dimension of Business Viability as the instrument, this research investigated the core dimension of market viability, technical viability, business model viability, management model viability, economic and financial viability, and exit strategy viability.By examining these aspects and considering the common problems encountered by breathing firms, it can be determined whether a business, particula rly event management business, can survive and continue growing. The create of this research is the mathematical business operation initiatives that can be suggested to present and future entrepreneurs venturing on this kind of business. Findings of this study could help present event organizers in improving their business.In addition, it leave alone also aid future entrepreneurs who may want to engage in this particular business, which may later on kick down to the development of the economy, particularly in Batangas City. In the view of the Graduate School, this study could serve as a springboard for the future researchers who are inclined to analyzing the viability of their elect business because they could use the same tool which was Thompsons Dimension of Business Viability. ObjectivesThe present study determined the perceived viability of event management business using Thompsons Model as to grocery store, Technical, Business Model, Management Model, Economic, fiscal Mode l, and Exit Strategy. It also identified possible relationship of the business profile variables in terms of type of event business, year of operation, business linkages, and type of coordination to the perceived viability. In the operation of the business, problems were also discussed in order to propose programs for get ahead improvement.Business operation initiatives based on the assessment of perceived viability were also designed to enhance the sustainability of event management business in Batangas City. Hypothesis There is no significant relationship between the perceived viability of the event management business and the profile variables of the event management business. Event Management. The Event Industry, particularly those pertaining to event management businesses, encompasses a very wide range of write outs if viewed in a worldwide perspective.Due to the unusual fragmentary nature of the events industry, an over-all assessment of the market size of the business is a difficult process. It is preferable to look at individual events, or groups of the same kinds of events, to assess their scope, impacts and extent although it is possible to make some estimates for certain sectors of the events business this is not sufficient to raise a picture of the whole (Shone and Perry,2004). Event management has become an industry in its own right, featuring specialist event companies and event managers.Special events are part of our history and culture and have been so for thousands of years in countries around the world. It was observed that people have unendingly famed or marked special cause in their lives births, deaths, tribal initiations, marriages, seasons, spring times, harvests, full moons. The history of many other nations has been catalogued with dates of victories, celebrations, festivals, and special events from the time they were founded up to the present time. He further noted that the range of events is so wide that there is no one definit ion which encompasses all (Torkildsen,2005).Event Management is the capability and underwrite of the process of purpose, people, and place. It fol commencements that events are happenings with objective. Event objective components can help analyze the full range of international events currently being staged. It is the building blocks of the event objectives. universe assembly is events managed by professionals who typically bring people together for a purpose. There is no point in being particular about the number of people but it should be emphasized that the size and type of the group testament determine the level of skills required by the professional event manager. more thanover, it should be accentuated that the term purpose was included in the definition because the professional event managers begin with a purpose in mind and direct all activities towards achieving this specific purpose (Goldblatt, 2004). Four attributes should be taken into account regarding the peculiari ties of the event marketplace. These include size and volume of output, complexity and variety of services or products offered to the consumer, uncertainty of numbers game attending, cost, time schedule and technical requirements, and interaction with the consumer and degree of consumer/ guest contact (Tum,2006).Planned events are created to achieve specific outcomes, including those colligate to the economy, culture, society and environment. Event planning pick outs the design and implementation of themes, settings, consumables, services and programmes that suggest, facilitate or constrain experiences for participants, guests, spectators and other stakeholders. Every event experience is personal and unique, arising from the interactions of setting, program and people (Getz,2007).Professional event coordination is the integrated implementation of all the operational and logistical requirements of an event, based on the scope of event elements included in the event design. An even t, any type of event, is held for a purpose. Public or private, commercialised or forgiving, celebratory or commemorativeevent bring people together to share an experience and produce a measurable outcome (Silvers,2007). Several impertinent factors also affect the growth of the event management industry. Some of these factors are the rate of the growth of economy, sustenancestyle, and changing characteristics of the people living in the area.Tourism and branding activities like festivals and corporate activities such as conferences, product launches, award ceremonies, and gala dinners are under the scope of event management business. Key factors for the success of an event management business are reputation, network, service promotion, links with the suppliers, and high quality managerial skills (Gordon,2010). There are a number of companies hosting and organizing events on a regular basis. These range from the small time private events to the large-scale international events.Y es, the large scales one do happen distant rarer, but then the amount of returns they churn out is far beyond expectations. However, in the past there have been events that have also resulted in losses to the hosts and sponsors for varied reasons. But then, all state and done, event management is about face and execution, and that is precisely where the money lies. Those in the region are paid for these services. Today, there are number of people who have entered the field because they realize the potential of the market where demand and supply is concerned.In fact, the most profitable aspect of this field is the need for creativity. And that is how and where one earns. The management of events calls largely for coordination from stage one. The first-class honours degree thing required is to get the orders for the event. This process is also known as pitching for an event. Usually, whether it is for small time events (birthday parties and wedding ceremonys) or then for larger ones assigned by companies (exhibitions and look at fairs), or then the international concerts the event manager/company is asked to submit a project report, with the finances involved.On the basis of this is the assignment given to them (Maligalig,2010). Special Events. On one of the focus group word of honors conducted by Goldblatt (2002), one of the old ladies said that when he reached the age that she was in, he will forget everything, but the only things that will remain in his memories are the special events and milestones that had passed through her life just like her daughters wedding and their fiftieth anniversary. Thats wherefore he affirmed that more people are hiring companies that would organize such special events.This basic anecdote about special events has been the prime reason why the special event industry is continuously growing and innovating. Research showed how people care for special events in their life to the point that they are willing to pay high price to those people who can make it less stressful and more creative for them. Special events are widely recognized as being a growth sector of the tourism industry with potential to generate impregnable economic benefit for the city, township or region involved.This wider recognition of events tourism has also heralded a continually expanding number of new events in many regions as community leaders, clubs, and local and regional tourism industry representatives have identified opportunities to tap into the visitor market (Tonge,2010). Special event is a phenomenon arising from those non-routine occasions which have leisure, cultural, personal or organizational objectives set apart from the normal activity of daily life, whose purpose is to enlighten, celebrate, entertain or challenge the experience of a group of people.A special event is a unique moment in time celebrated with ceremony and ritual to satisfy specific needs. In the view of event organizers, it is a one-time or infrequ ently occurring event outside normal programs or activities of the sponsoring or organizing body. On the other hand, in the view of the customer or guest, a special event is an opportunity for leisure, cordial or cultural experience outside the normal range of choices or beyond day-by-day experience.A special event is a gathering of human beings, generally lasting from a few hours to a few days, designed to celebrate, honor, discuss, sell, teach about, encourage, observe, or influence human endeavors. There are some characteristics of special events as a service. Among them are uniqueness, perishability, labour-intensiveness, fixed timescales, intangibility, personal interaction, ambiance, and ritual or ceremony. Special events are special because they target an external market they bring people from outside the inner circle of your organization nto contact with your cause (Goldblatt,2002 Getz,2002 Matthews,2008 Levy,2001 Shone and Perry,2004). The term special event has been coin ed to describe specific rituals, presentations, performances or celebrations that are consciously planned and created to mark special occasions and/or to achieve particular social, cultural, or corporate goals and objectives. typewrite of Event Business. There are many variant types of events. Wedding is a union between two people who wish to spend their lives together.A wedding can be small with two people plus a person to officiate the ceremony such as priest, rabbi, justice of the peace or minister. It can also be enormous, elaborate events involving a few hundred of people or more. Gala events take place at large venues and oft involve a few hundred guests. The occasion for a gala may be to celebrate milestone events such as anniversaries or birthdays or to raise money for various causes. The menu varies from cocktail-party fare to a million- fertilize dinner. Cocktail or formal attire is required for a gala.Large casual event is a business or casual gathering involving at le ast one hundred guests. These events are less formal than gala and takes place in the afternoon as well as the evening. It may be a company picnic, bar or bat mitzvah, or a family reunion. Corporate events and dinners include meetings, in-house catering, and dinner with clients. Intimate dinners can be held in private residence or the private room of a restaurant or hotel. Thirty guests or less meet the requirement for an intimate dinner. Cocktail party take place during evening hours, and it can work well at a wedding, gala, business or social event.A typical cocktail party provides seating for about half the guests and serves a menu of passed hors d oeuvres and appetizers with some stationary items (Mancuso,2007). Corporate event management involves managing various corporate events that can be a special media event, an internal event or event open to the public such as a fundraising gala. They are usually managed by a professional planner whose specialty is corporate events. An experienced event planner has the expertise to research and plan a successful event from start to finish.Some of the common usages of corporate events are launching a product, road show, galas and media event with corporate sponsorship. The events are managed according to their respective nature, belongings in mind the aim of the event, the audience to be reached and the content of the message to be transferred. Launching a new consumer product is a good example of what a planner does to manage this type of corporate event. Launching a product involves consumer conviction as an ultimate goal. The customer has to be convinced to bargain the product by using innovative ideas.A corporate event manager might set up a convention to launch the product. This would involve planning all pre-convention meetings, working with graphic artists, writers and printers for all printed materials, choosing a location for the convention, selecting food and entertainment, etc. (Cole,2010). The event planning service business is a $ viosterol billion business worldwide today, with lots of growth opportunities. The profit margin has gone up from 15% to 30 to 40%. People hire event planners because they dont have the time and expertise to organize events themselves.Some of the events for which event planners are hired are Celebrations (fairs, parades, weddings, reunions, birthdays, anniversaries), Education (conferences, meetings, graduations), Promotions (product launches, political rallies, fashion shows) and Commemorations (memorials, civil events) (Dilliard, 2010). Various authors have their own topology of events employ to categorize events. One topology splits events into four broad categories based on the concept of events having leisure, cultural, personal or organizational objectives.Leisure events include events for the purpose of leisure, sport and recreation. Cultural events, on the other hand, involve ceremonial, sacred, heritage, art and folklore. Personal events co nsist of weddings, birthdays and anniversaries. Lastly, organizational events are those for commercial, political, charitable and sales. However, the authors emphasized that in this typology, there are frequent overlap. Cited example is the graduation of a student from a university could be a personal event for his or her family and an organizational event for the university (Shone and Perry,2004).This study will be using the typology of events made by Shone and Perry (2004) to categorize the type of event management business that the subject of the study may fall into. This categorisation may be broad but it will give a clear view of their business type. Business Linkages. No event takes place in isolation and each event involves a set of interdependent and interacting elements within a system the event product with event participants, the audience or customer, and the sponsor (Tassiopoulos, 2005). We should be aware that an organization does not operate in isolation.The event ope rations management model shows in the first stage that there are different environments that have an influence on it and should be analyzed. These are the internal and external environments. Following analysis of these, it is then possible to develop the planning process. All organizations should work in partnership with their suppliers, customers and competitors (Thompson,2001). An immediate impact is made on an organization by suppliers and customers, on whom it depends, and its competitorsboth existing ones and new ones joining the industry.The influencers in the inner circle of the figure may be easier to control and manage than those in the in the outer circle (Tum, 2006). oft within an event company there is not a specific purchasing officer, many of the staff may create buyer/supply relationships with different companies. Some products may be bought outright and owned by the organization, and others will be used for only one event. In the case of some of the corrupt agreeme nts, for example the caterers or pyrotechnic suppliers, it is the whole service and system that is purchased and the contracted company will bring their own products and staff.To be successful, these relationships and regularity of purchasing or leasing must be managed effectively since they all provide vital supply drawing strings throughout the operation (Tum, 2006). The emergence of an association in Great Britain named In Any Event has greatly helped event organizers in their area. In Any Event is a collaboration of eight event companies. The association will cheque on the quality of the services offered by the members using a given standard. According to the members, an effective trade body is all about quality and confide (Skeith, 2009).The emergence of the industry has also led to the formation of professional associations providing networking, communications and liaison within the industry, training and accreditation programmes, codes of ethical practice and lobbying on behalf of their members. Event managers should come in the associations that trump suits their individual space and the needs of their organization, as some associations promote individual membership, whilst others promote membership on an organizational basis.Some of the main trade and professional associations covering the events industry are associations, conference/meetings, exhibitions, incentive travel, festivals, corporate hospitality, music events/events production, venues, and miscellaneous/suppliers (Bowdin, 2006). Food, beverage and celebration are inextricably connected. From social life cycle events to mega events such as the Olympic Games, the relationship between food and frivolity has been a close one. This is not to suggest that it is not serious business as well (Goldblatt,2001).The hotel contract plays one of the most significant roles in the planning of the conference. The hotel layout, logistics, room rates, audio visual, and of course meals can financially m ake or break your organization (Oliver,2005). Events are organized by several different actors with individual interests. In order to perform the project task at hand, actors form relationships aimed at cooperation. Relationships involve political processes, which can be understood from a consensus and a struggle perspective. From the consensus perspective, mutual commitment, trust, and onversation are important to build fruitful relationships. From the conflict perspective, tensions, conflicts, and forefinger games are considered unavoidable aspects of social interaction, which create change and renewal (Larson,2001). In the tourism business, linkages with hotels, travel agencies, transportation companies, takes, restaurants and other agencies appear very important if the tourist operators would like to stay long in the business. It seems that being alone in the business without any linkage with other establishments would not mean some(prenominal) in terms of survival.In other w ords, establishing linkages with other types of business firms help tourist operators maintain their position in the market (Festijo,2010). Identical to Festijos study, the present study will also make use of business linkages as one of the profile variables that could affect the perception of the respondents regarding the viability of events management business. Type of Coordination. Services should be provided to conform to given factors. This includes specification, consistency, timeliness, flexibility, right price, and added measure and little extras.The first and crucial issue is the specification. Unless the service fulfills the requirements of the customer, it will not be used. The second important issue is consistency. guests expect service to be at the same level, or better, each time it is experienced. Once a level of quality of service has been promoted, or in reality provided, customers will be quick to notice if it is not achieved or sustained. There is no point in s etting a high standard of service if the operation cannot consistently meet the standard. The triad issue is timeliness.The timing on when to grant the service should also be considered because it may be the reason why a customer may be upset and never comes back again. However, timing is of lesser importance when customers make appointments in advance. Fourth, flexibility is important in the service industry. The moment the event is delivered, it is consumed. Immediately, of course, event organizers may come across difficulties. In these scenarios, the event manager has to be flexible to accommodate the changing situations. Customer expectations still have to be fulfilled despite changes in circumstances.Fifth, intention of the right price can be agreed once the marketing team is satisfied that they know what the customer wantsthe specification. This will determine the price that can be charged. This concerns the ability of the team to supply the specifications that can increase customer satisfaction, and at the same time, bring profit to the business. In the sixth position is added value and little extras. Once the event has met the basic requirements, then all the other extras will add to the perception of quality and could provide the edge in a matched environment (Tum,2006).Kandampully (2002) believes that service quality can be defined as the extent to which a service meets the expectations of customers. He divides customers into four broad group internal customers (employees and managers of the firm), external customers (a firms end customers), competitors customers (those who the firm would like to attract, and ex-customers (those who are going elsewhere and therefore are no longer our customers). Most of the independent event coordinators are offering three types of services. These includes the Full Event Coordination, the partial(p) Coordination and the On the day Coordination.In Full Event Coordination, consultation begins within an allowable ti me frame convenient for the client and coordinator. It involves actual conceptualization, budget planning, sourcing of suppliers (with final examination approval of client), venue, physical, arrangement, conceptualization of the program, and continuous coordination with the client and supervision during the actual date of the event. In Partial Coordination, consultation begins few months before the event where it is assumed that 40% of the preparation has been completed.Previous accomplishments of the client are then handed over to the coordinator for continuation of plan and additional support. The coordinator takes on bringing together the concept and confers it with the suppliers that the client has already chosen. Continuous coordination with the client and supervision on the actual date of the event is minded(p). In On the Day Coordination, consultation begins after confirmation of client as to the services to be provided by the coordinators. The coordinator completes the co ncept and program and works together with the suppliers for final arrangements.The coordinator also straightens out matters on deliveries, venue, physical arrangement, program brief with the host, and supervision on the actual day of event. The present research will make use of these three types of coordination to categorize the services offered by the event management businesses. Business Viability. Theviabilityof a business is measured by its long-term survival, and its ability to have sustainable profits over a period of time. If a business is viable, it is able to survive for many years, because it continues to make aprofityear after year.The longer a company can stay profitable, the better its viability. A business feasibility study is an analytical tool that includes recommendations and limitations, which are utilized to assist the decision-makers when determining if the Business Concept is viable (Thompson,2005). Analyzing the prospects for this type of business, it was noted that its commercial sector has developed rapidly during the last fifteen years and will continue to do so. The market for events has expanded to the point where the need for a some(prenominal) better professional infrastructure is evident.The increasing number of events management companies and professional event organizers is an indication of this demand (Shone and Perry,2004). While real viability can affect perceived viability, there are other (possibly irrational) influences on perceived viability that have nothing to do with real viability. Conversely, the effect of perceived viability on real viability is at best indirect (perhaps by affecting morale or the cost of detonating device) but any causal link in this direction cannot be taken for granted and should be explained.In order to measure the viability of events management business in Batangas City, the researcher opted to use the Dimensions of Business Viability Model created by Thompson (2005). This model has long bee n used by many entrepreneurs to test the viability of their business and business idea. Thus, the result of this study will be contain to the aspects determined by this model. The Dimensions of Business Viability Model is a generic framework that assists entrepreneur in identifying individual tasks (decisions) in validating the Business Concept.The model also aligns the findings with functional processes of an enterprise which an audience can slowly understand. It is a decision weighting model that provides a benchmark framework for measuring the Business Concepts viability. The model allows the entrepreneur to weigh the over-all and segmented viability of Business Concept (Thompson,2003). The Dimensions of Business Viability Model will validate the Business Concept by the core dimension of market viability, technical viability, business model viability, management model viability, economic and financial viability, and exit strategy viability.Each dimension of the business viabil ity model will contain components which evaluate individual characteristics of the enterprises business ventures viability. In developing the model to best fit the business under examination, the entrepreneur will need to structure each dimension. Market Viability includes the components of market environment (e. g. size, sustainability, potential market, target market, potential value), competitors, similar products, pricing, packaging, diffusion to markets, and promotion/advertising (Thompson,2005).In determining the market viability of a product or service, the following locomote must be followed First, compare your offer to a 3-legged stool, which cannot support weight unless all three legs are equal in length and spacing. One leg is the offer itself, which includes price and demand. A top quality offer at a competitive price is still a low fail if the other legs are not balanced. The second leg is the customer list. If you dont know who wants your product or service, then yo u have nothing.The third leg is the process, language and messaging used to convey the value of the offer to the list. Second, determine the mass appeal of your product or service. If only a very select few can benefit from it, then your offer may be too limited to generate enough revenue to justify the investment of taking it into the marketplace. Identifying a specific demographic target is a strategic necessity, but there is a certain volume required to break even and a much larger volume required for long-term profitability.Third, measure the uniqueness of your offer against all competitors or whoever shares your market niche. The more unique your offer is the more likely it will gain share against your competitors. Fourth, assess the exclusivity of your offer. If your potential customers can get your product or service somewhere else, then you will be forced to find another factor to differentiate your offer from the competition. If your offer cannot be found anywhere else, you r business will benefit invariably. Lastly, test the perceived value of your offer.In order to be successful in business, you must be able to sell your product or service at a price point that is commensurate with what people are willing and able to pay. Ironically, you can under price an offer as well as overprice it. Public relations are of a vital importance to every operator and an increasingly important part of the marketing and sales function, and provide the operator with positive support to sales and promotion activity. In reality, effective public relations are an exacting business requiring particular skills often beyond the capabilities or experience of many operators (Festijo,2010).This aspect could be taken into consideration when assessing the marketing and promotion efforts of the event management business, since this type of business generally rely on word of mouth and appreciation of their clients. Technical viability will cover capacity, availability and quality of re openings, inclusive of raw materials, labour and professional expertise, supply chain implications, manufacturing process, and ability to apply IP (Internet Protocol) (Thompson,2005). Technical Viability pertains to the uniqueness and features of products and services and intellectual property positions (Morgan,2009).Business model viability entails uniqueness of model in terms of competitive advantage, ability of competitor to duplicate, ability to create value through priority knowledge and process, ability to create wealth, and ability to duplicate and delegate (i. e. documentation of implicit and explicit knowledge) (Thompson,2005). Business model is defined as adescriptionof theoperationsof abusinessincluding the componentsof the business, thefunctionsof the business, and therevenuesandexpensesthat the business generates.A business modeldescribes the ruleof how anorganizationcreates, delivers, and captures value economic, social, or other forms of value. The process of bu siness model design is part ofbusiness strategy. In theory and practice the term business model is used for a broad range of informal and formal descriptions to represent core aspects of abusiness, including purpose, offerings, strategies, infrastructure, organizational structures, trading practices, and operational processes and policies.Management model viability includes application of knowledge and skills, training, employee management and recruitment, management of intellectual property, management of risk, ability to delegate to staff, suitable organizational structure, suitability of management and protocols, and ability to measure business process (Thompson,2005). Economic and financial viability will cover start up costs, working capital, operating costs, raw material costs, boilersuit return on investment, boilersuit profitability, breakeven point, sustainability of market versus projected revenue, and ability to generate economic value (Thompson,2005).Economic viability i s characterized by long-term sustainability (profitable over the long-term) and short feasibility (sufficient cash flows to meet short-term obligations). Projects/ventures can be either public/community type projects or private enterprise ventures. Four financial measures are particularly useful when examining the viability of a project Net Income, Cash Flow, Required Operating Loan, and Ending Cash Balance.Exit strategy may contain ability to create wealth from exit strategy, ability to define exit strategy, ability to relate exit strategy to industry model, ability to identify potential buyers and/or strategies, ability to create capital assets, and ability to schedule exit strategy (Thompson,2005). Planning how you exit your business is just as important as how you start it. The goal is to maximize the value of your company before converting it to cash, and to minimize the amount of time consumed. Getting out of business is a process.The length of time required to complete the p rocess is at a time related to the complexity of the business, and the circumstances underlying this decision to get out of business. It can range from one week for a home-based sole proprietorship to several years for a corporation forced into involuntary bankruptcy. Disputes and litigation add another dimension to the timeframe. Planning and awareness are crucial. The process, timing of events and tasks must be tailored to the type and complexity of the business.Each case is unique because reasons for dissolution differ, and problems that exist or develop are unique to the circumstance. The process for getting out of business successfully requires the same amount of planning as going into business. While the process should be easier, it is likely to be less enjoyable and more stressful. The best advice for business owners is to think about the future during the early stages of getting into business. Exert managerial influence to ensure that complications and problems which could affect dissolution, and net value, do not develop into roadblocks.When the time for getting out of business comes, engage the invaluable expertise you will need, and prepare a plan. The Dimensions of Business Viability Weighing Process includes the determination of dimension of viability, determination of measures of dimension of viability, assignment of component weighting to dimension, assigning weighting to key measures, assessing each measure and assigning score, weighing each dimensions overall viability, determining collective viability of business, and articulating viability of business (Thompson,2005).Problems encountered in event organization. Although there are many successful events, instances occur where hardworking organizing committees see their events generate only limited interest and fail to meet the desired objectivessituations that can leave committees with substantial debts, creating disenchantment in the community and sponsoring organizations. In these cases, th e main reasons for failure are usually a combination of two or more of the following factors failure to allow sufficient planning time, inadequate planning, problems within the organization committee (i. . power struggles, infighting, lack of necessary skills), overly optimistic income projections, inadequate market research, clashing of event dates, an ad hoc approach to marketing (lack of marketing plan), lack of sponsorship plan, inadequate budget and/or poor financial management, failure to meet spectators and/or competitor expectations, or failure to adequately make provision for inclement endure conditions (Tonge,2010). From the rack of people attending local and regional events, recent research has revealed five main complaints.These include insufficient toilets, overpriced food and beverage, inadequate traffic management and signage, the event program can ran considerably over the scheduled time, and the event failed to meet the expectations created by the promotion (Tonge ,2010). It is difficult to imagine an event without a crisis. The ability to handle crises is an important skill for senior staff member in event management. A good event manager faces crises and handles them calmly and effectively.He should try to avoid crises by careful preplanning and foresight. The staff should be prepared to take appropriate action when crises happen. When crises arise, the steps that should be followed in handling them include analyzing the situation in a cool manner, re-examining the objectives, examining the possibilities, considering the consequences of several solutions, selecting the best alternative, implementing the appropriate action, and continue monitoring to avoid repetition (Cruz,2005).For decades, every time event organizers plans and executes event, they are always faced with various challenges that are inevitable to the business. According to Tarlow (2002), whenever we bring people together, there is an element of risk. Event risk should not be seen as a single factor, but rather as an accumulation of variables. Depending on the circumstances, these variables would include size of the crowd, size and nature of the event site, time of day, nature of the event, consumables, age of the crowd, weather conditions, and location of the event venue.A list of some events include family and human life cycle events such as weddings, family reunions and barbecues, community events, such as school picnics, business outings, and holiday celebrations, organized shopping exhibitions, civil and political events, business meetings and conferences, sports events, ranging from Little League to the Olympic Games, concerts, religious gatherings and pilgrimages, local and national political gatherings, fairs and festivals.He noted that as an event professional, it is important to understand that it is significantly less expensive to manage risk prior to the event than deal with the crisis after is has occurred. He further discusses the importanc e of risk manager increasing their awareness of the assumptions they make and the potential biases that may influence their decisions. Entrepreneurs are constantly on the lookout for business opportunities and, at the same time, they are keen observers of existing and potential problems in the pursuit of their respective businesses.These common problems may include those connected with inauguration of funds, source of raw materials, red tape in government, manpower/labor/HR and the lack of information to assist the Pinoy Entrepreneurs. These problems may appear to be obvious. As to sourcing of money with which to start a business, it can be raised in various ways, including personal savings, borrowing from relatives, borrowing from money lenders or 5-6 operators, borrowing from formal sources of credit like banks and other financial institutions.Borrowing money, however, is not as easy as it they make it sound. As to the existing efforts to address red tape in government, theres st ill a lot to be done, but the progress made by some agencies are really noteworthy. Several classification frameworks have been proposed for the categorization of organizational problem types. For example, over 30 years ago, Dearborn and Simon (1958) classified organizational problems into three general types (1) sales, marketing, or distribution (2) clarifying the organization and (3) human relations, employee relations, or teamwork.More recently, Walsh (1988) proposed that organizational problems can be grouped into five general categories (1) accounting-finance (2) human relations (3) marketing (4) internal management and (5) external management. Both of the above studies, however, were narrowly focused on the role of selective perception, or the extent to which affiliation with a specific department in an organization influences the types of problems identified (Terpstra,2004). Business Operation Initiatives. Business operation initiatives refer to the plans or programs of a bu siness with regards to the operation of the business.In this study, this refers to the propose action or end for tourism attraction business on how to sustain its business operation to achieve its desired goals and objectives (Celis,2008). Patterned to the dissertation of Celis (2008), this study also desire to recommend business operation initiatives for the subject business. The researcher considered the concept of formulating business operation initiatives as relevant to the assessment of the viability of the business. However, they differ on the type of industry Celis focused on tourism ttractions while the present study will focus on the events management business in Batangas City. abstract Framework The Event Industry, particularly the special events industry, has been a rapidly growing industry not only in the global arena but also here in the Philippines. More entrepreneurs have been showing interest in this new endeavor, though some are still thriving. Batangas City, as one of the rapidly progressing cities in the CALABARZON area, has great potential for investors and entrepreneurs who are willing to venture for new business ideas that will meet the demand of the people.In order to attract such entrepreneurs, a study on the viability of a business will aid them in their decision makings. This research will determine the present status of the events management business in Batangas City using the profile variables. To determine the viability of the event management business in Batangas City, Thompsons (2005) Dimensions of Business Viability will be used and will focus on the 1. 2. Market, Technical, Business Model, Management Model, Economic and Financial Model, and Exit Strategy.Through this, the researcher will also be able to extract possible problems that the entrepreneurs are experiencing during the course of their operation. The result of this viability model will be the basis in drafting recommendations for business operation initiatives that could enhance the prospects and sustainability of event management business in Batangas City. Conceptual Paradigm The figure below shows the items that have been analyzed in this research and their relationships. The profile of event management business n terms of type of event business, year of operation, business linkages and type of coordination has been identified. The researcher then evaluated the viability of event management business using Thompsons (2005) Dimension of Viability which includes Market, Technical, Business Model, Management Model, Economic and Financial Model, and Exit Strategy. It has been identified whether there is a relationship between the profile variables and their assessment of viability. Problems encountered were also identified and analyzed.Through this analysis, business operation initiatives have been recommended for the further development of this industry in Batangas City. Figure 1. The profile of Events Management Business in Batangas City, their assessment of its viability, and the problems encountered by this business, altogether, had been the basis for Business Operation Initiatives Methods This chapter presents a discussion of the research design in this study, the respondents of the study, data gathering instruments and procedures, and statistical treatment of data. DesignThe study used the descriptive design utilizing a survey questionnaire for the event management business. This study aimed to provide a description of relationships among the following variables demographic profile and the perceived viability of events management business in Batangas City. This research design was chosen because it can provide essential knowledge about the concepts being used in this study as well as its relationship with each other. This method was deemed appropriate to the present study since this involved assessment of prevailing conditions. Respondents of the ResearchThe questionnaire was answered by the team leader and team membe rs of the ten identified DTI registered event organizers in Batangas City. Each team composed of not less than three members, thus the researcher is targeting 30 members of the event management business for this study. Procedure The following steps were undertaken in gathering the data to answer the questions in the study. An initial informal interview with the present event organizers was conducted by the researcher to gain reliable and related information that was used in constructing the questionnaire.In order to obtain the necessary data, the researcher used a constructed survey questionnaire. Modifications were incorporated through the help of experts in the field. A letter of request to conduct the study, together with the three-part questionnaires was sent to the different event management businesses in Batangas City. To measure the concepts relevant in the study, the researcher sought questionnaire from on-line source and modified the versions of instruments used by other st udies and collated these to have an instrument appropriate for the study.The instrument was a modified version of on-line source particularly Thompsons (2005) Dimension of Business Viability and also the profile variables included in Celis (2008) dissertation. These will be used to gather data needed for the study on the viability of events management business in Batangas City. Part I covered the detail on the profile of the existing events management business in Batangas City which included queries on the type of event business, year of operation, business linkages and type of coordination.Part II conveyed items included in Thompsons (2005) Dimension of Business Viability such as market, technical, business model, management model, economic and financial model, and exit strategy. Part III enumerated the common problems encountered by the event management business in Batangas City, as formulated through informal interview and from literature review pertaining to problems of event ma nagement business. The draft of the questionnaire was submitted for both external and internal validation.To fully determine the items clarity, relevance and appropriateness, the researcher set the questionnaire for external validation by experts in research and event management. The researcher personally distributed the questionnaire and retrieval was done two weeks after the distribution of the questionnaire. Data Analysis The following statistical measures were applied to analyze the data 1. Frequency and percentage distribution was used to determine the profile of the event management business in Batangas City.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Adult Health Nurse Practioner Essay
Due to the rapid changes and complexity in healthc atomic number 18, shelters are pursuing higher education and narrow training. This specialized training has produced what we now call advance practice cheers. Advance practice nurses can function independently or in partnership with some other physicians. These nurses play a vital role in healthcare. There are four types of advance practice nurses clinical nurse specialist, nurse anesthetist, nurse midwives, and nurse practitioners. The role of the nurse practitioner has changed from being an assistant to meeting the healthcare needs of patients when no physician is available. Nurse practitioners may specialize in a variety of settings, but are not limited to primary care, acute care, palliative care, infectious disease, and gerontology. Becoming a nurse practitioner requires a overpower of Science in nursing, post masters, or Doctor of nursing practice (Britt, 2012). The services provided by nurse practitioners include diagnosi ng and treating health problems, adult and surface child checks, prescribing medications, teaching health promotion while promoting disease prevention (Britt, 2012). Healthcare reform which has led to increase accessibility of healthcare has created more opportunities for nurse practitioners in the primary care setting (AAON, 2014).Nurse practitioners are visible in the acute and critical care settings. In the acute setting, they are employ evidence based practice to manage care of the critically ill (AAON, 2014). According to the American Association of Nurses, nurse practitioners are more likely to oblige to clinical practice guidelines that improve patient outcomes (AAON, 2014). Nurse practitioners tent to engage patients in their care by helping them understand t and measures they can spend a penny for improvements (Britt, 2012). Despite the enormous contributions nurse practitioners are giving to healthcare, there are barriers to the potential of what a nurse practitioner c an give back to their community. The defer scope of practice laws are the most significant (Naylor, & Kurtzman, 2010). These laws govern practice and prescriptive authority. There are some states more restrictive thanothers. Reimbursement is another materialisation affecting nurse practitioners.There are legal concerns regarding reimbursement for services provided by nurse practitioners (Perry, 2009). Other barriers NPs face include inadequate physician attitude, lack of respect, and poor communication. The poor physician attitude may be due to lack of physician knowledge regarding the role of the nurse practitioner (Clarin, 2009). When there is difficulty accord the NPs role, then there is difficulty with collaboration, which in turn affects the patient. As the scope of practice for nurse practitioners varies from state to state, the nurse practitioners role is becoming more rife due to the demands because more people are able to afford healthcare. It is imperative for barrier s to be removed that would allow NPs to use their training and education to the fullest. Nurse practitioners are an essential component to the healthcare team and medical community. With such emphasis being placed on preventive care, nurse practitioners will be recognized as an asset.ReferencesNaylor, & Kurtzman, E. (2010), The Role of Nurse Practitioner in Reinventing Primary Care. Health Affairs, 29 893-899 doi10.1377/hlthaff 2010.0440 Clarin, O. (2009), Strategies to Overcome Barriers to Effective Nurse Practitioner Physician Collaboration, daybook for Nurse Practitioners. 3(8) 538-548 Britt, D. (2012), Family Nurse Practitioner in Primary Care. The Parenting Issue 23 Perry, J. (2009), The Rise and Impact of Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants. Economic Policy, 27 491-511 doi10.1111/j.1465-7287.2009.00162.x
Friday, May 24, 2019
Bronfenbrenner’s Analysis
This paper analyzes and evaluates how Bronfenbrenners levels influenced my decision to attend graduate school and how they may impact career goals at bottom my area of specialization. Bronfenbrenner develops a multi-level hierarchy of influences from the closest and most personal to the most abstract and societal. The purpose of my paper is to handle, analyze, and evaluate Bronfenbrenners Ecological System Theory in sex act to human development In the early 1970s Urie Bronfenbrenner developed an ecological theory of human development.Bronfenbrenners book, The Ecology of Human Development Experiments by nature and Design (Bronfenbrenner, 1997) discusses in depth the ecological systems levels as the micro-meso-exo-macro- and the fifth system, the chrono-system spirit level. Bronfenbrenner summarized his theory utilizing concentric spheres in where the claw begins his or her development in the center of the spheres. comparability each sphere as a set of nested structures, each ins ide the next, like a set of Russian dolls (Bronfenbrenner,1979. p. 3). Researchers prepare that a key instrument in parents effectiveness was engaging in the childs activities and environment.Darling (2007), asserts that parental monitoring of their childrens activities decreased the levels of behavioral problems and confidential information to risqueer levels of adult approved activities (Darling, 2007). Therefore, competence among children will depend on the quality of their environment (Bronfenbrenner, 1999). Children from negative, deprived, disorganized backgrounds display more frequent and severe nonadaptive behavior in order to gain parental attention. On the other hand, parents providing attentive, st open and dictatorial environments provide gratifying and positive reinforcement in tending of the childrens growth. Bronfenbrenner, 1999). Bronfenbrenner posited that the greatest effect on positive outcomes in environments with the greatest resources and for an individua l who had the greatest ability to take advantage of those resources (Darling, 2007). Microsystem Bronfenbrenner described his models as the micro-system layer originating in the center of the sphere, involving the childs interactions and activities within the context of family, school, daycare, and school, peer groups and how these interactions shape his or her development in a particular conniption.A setting is where the child engages in particular activities in particular roles for particular times (Bronfenbrenner,1979). For example, Bronfenbrenner ob inspection and repaird parents emphasizing the importance of socially acceptable behaviors, exposed their child to positive activities, became involved in their childs school, friends, thus producing children that were secure in new learning jazzs. Mesosystem The mesosystem layer relates to the people in a childs microsystem. It consists of the interactions between two or more settings which involve the developing child.For example , childs parents and teachers may be interacting in discussions astir(predicate) the childs progress. Bronfenbrenner found when parents take an active interest in the childs early academic progress, that child has a greater chance of success upon entering high school (Oswalt, 2008). Exosystem The exosystem is comprised of the involvement and progression that takes place between the dyad setting, but it does not contain the developing child (Bronfenbrenner, 1994). They are occurrences that indirectly influence processes within the immediate setting in which the developing child lives (Bronfenbrenner, 1994).For example, the childs parents moving to a different state will directly affect the childs interconnections with neighborhood friends and teachers. As an example, the child knows he has lost his best friend, and may never find another. Thus, the child may meet this change with dismay or dissatisfaction (Bronfenbrenner, 1994). The exosystem level includes the positive and negativ e structures found in the national g everyplacenment, cultural values, the economy, other macro influences. For example, Anglo-Saxon societies underline individual accomplishments, whereas Asian societies stress consensus and conformity.Cronosystem The chronosystem is the outermost shell that Bronfenbrenner displays. This is a temporal continuum that encompasses a persons life experiences throughout their lives. A major example of the operation of this continuum is the impact of a parental death and the resulting behavioral change in the developing individual. The micro, meso, exo, and macro levels all impacted my individual development and career goals in obtaining a maitre ds degree in Human Services with a specialization in Social and Community Services.In the micro level, my earliest experiences were affected by the negative parental influences. As a child, I can remember my brothers and I were mainly spoken to when we did something wrong. In turn, these negative experiences a ffected my academic surgery in school as well as my behavior. In the mesosystem, the only times my parents became involved in school were when they were called by the school principal to discuss my inappropriate behavior and my inattentiveness in learning.In the first grade, I was held back from entering the second grade because I could not speak side of meat well or even Spanish. Again, this was a result of not having positive learning experience during childhood. It was not until the sixth grade that my principal decided I might succeed if I skipped the seventh grade to the eighth grade. Thats when my negative experiences turn to be positive and enlightening. I flourished that year and received a small scholarship to attend a school for girls. There I also flourished and began to have teachers and friends that were positive role-models.An example in the exosystem, I had a four-year-old brother with Downs syndrome who at the age of 3 left our home to live in a state mental hospi tal. I was 13 years when my mother received a phone call from the hospital stating my brother had died from choking on some food. From that day on, my mother became distant and suffered from alcoholism. This experience saddened me greatly, but I was fortunate to have the support of my older sister, and wonderful teachers and friends that kept me succeeding in school. This success continued through college.However, when I was 16 years old, my mother was diagnosed with depression. Though I appeared happy with my school experience on the outside, inside, I felt depressed and longed for my mothers love. All during this time, my tyro was physically present, but emotional absent due to the traumatic experiences at home. In the macro system, I grew up in a Hispanic culture, though my parents emigrated from Mexico to the US, my mothers alien status became problematic as she could not speak English and inevitably could not take the test to become an American citizen.As a result, my mother felt she was a failure to herself and to my father who became a citizen at age 18. At the age of 47 years, I was able to complete my education at a womens college. It was finally there I was fortunate to pursue my love of art. Upon graduation, I also found a new love of being of service to others less fortunate. I found that I obtained jobs not completely fulfilling, and when thinking upon this, I realize I could improve the possibility of reaching that fulfillment through graduate school to obtain an advanced degree in order to better serve the people I will work with.In conclusion, I dont regret my experiences during my childhood. I learned a great deal about how one can attribute their success to resiliency. No matter how dismal matters were, there was always someone or something over the rainbow. I had a wonderful caring and nurturing older sister who loved me unconditionally. I had teachers who believed I was a worthwhile, intelligent and loving human being. With this nurturin g, I was finally able to climb over the wall only to look back at my stumbling blocks as experiences one takes to traverse their journey.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Caca pupu
They will record all personal information such address, height, weight, physical characteristics and much more. The next step, after touch oning the delinquent, is to prescribe a bail or flummox on the person. In Ms. Watson case, she will probably assume to wait to see the Judge the next morning to go through whether or not placing a bail or bond on her is an alternative. This decision often depends on the severity of the villainy. After the bail or bond has been placed, it will be followed by the arraignment. An arraignment is the first appearance an wrongdoer will have in court.It is here where they go from organism a suspect to being a defendant in a vicious case. During the arraignment, the Judge reads the criminal eruptions bestowed upon the offender, and makes sure the offender understand them. If at that moment the accused does not have a lawyer, present or hired, the Judge will offer to provide one appointed by the court. In our case of study, during this audience Ms . Watson will be told that she is being snapd with possession of a controlled substance with intent of distribute, and the Judge will ask her if she understands the charges.The arraignment is followed by the plea talk terms. As we studied during the course of this course of action and, in my case in particular, in my mini paper 2, about 95% of cases are disposed by plea bargaining every year. In this case Ms. Watson has the opportunity to plea bargaining to lesser he charges however, for the purpose of this paper I will state that Ms. Watson does not wish to plea bargaining and request criminal trial. After plea bargaining, comes the preliminary hearing. In this process, the prosecutor tries to convince the Judge that there is enough evidence to demonstrate that a umbrage was committed.It is at this stage of the case when the prosecutor will prove to the Judge that Ms. Watson committed the crime of possession of a controlled substance with intent to distribute. A criminal trial follows after the preliminary hearing has taken place. If Ms. Watson is not satisfied with any plea deals offered to her, she would go to a criminal trial where a panel decides her fate. During the course of this trail the prosecution must prove beyond any reasonable doubt to the Jury that Ms. Watson committed the crime.The last step in the process is the sentencing. If an offender plead guilty or was found guilty by a Jury, he or she will be sentenced according to the severity of the crime committed. Here is where Ms. Watson will be sentenced for committing the crime of possession of a controlled substance with intent to distribute. The mandatory minimum sentences pertaining to federal narcotics locations have been object of many criticisms. In 1991 the United States Sentencing Commission released a document with the mandatory minimum requirements.The statutes described in the aforementioned document were widely criticized because they were considered unjustifiable in some cases we re the offender had minimum participation and were barely over the statutory floor (Lynch, 2001). However, in this particular study case, is demonstrated that Ms. Watson was part of a crime that triggered a pentad to ten year mandatory minimum because she was in possession of a significant amount of cocaine. The sentence that Ms. Watson will probably receive is institutionalizing. A charge of possession of crack cocaine with intent to distribute is a very serious offence in all the states of the U.S. We have to consider many factors for this charge and sentence, such as the criminal history of the offender, the possibility of individual getting hurt, the psychological background of the accused and others. Because Ms. Watson already had a warrant for her arrest, which makes us cipher that she had a criminal history, I believe that she should receive a sentence of seven to ten years in prison without the possibility of parole. Crack cocaine is lassie as a Schedule II drug, which me ans it is highly addictive. Thousands of Americans die each year because of this drug, especially young people.How can we expect someone to reenter society or reduce recidivism if we dont help them gain a helpful skill before they are released from prison? Most of the inmate population originates from the final social strata of the country, and have only experienced low quality education, poverty, substance abuse, mental health and many other social issues. If we invest time and re in the raw the educational programs offered in the prison system, we could improve rehabilitation outcomes and as a consequence the number of recidivism cases will drop drastically.Making a mistake is human, rehabilitating someone and preventing them from waiver back to prison is wise. Whats the strongest link in the criminal referee system? I think that plea bargaining is the strongest link of the criminal Justice system. Because new state and federal laws have hardened sentencing for criminals, pros ecutors have gained greater power to get guilty pleas from defendants, and reduce the number of cases that go to trial. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, in 2003 there were 75,573 cases disposed of in federal district court by trial or plea. Of these, about 95 percentage were disposed by plea bargaining.While there are no exact estimates of the proportion of cases that are resolved through plea bargaining, scholars estimate that about 90 to 95 percent of both federal and state court cases are resolved through this process (Divers, 2011, p. 3). It is an effective system when dealing with overcrowded courts, and the lengthy expensive processes. Besides, prosecutorial discretion usually finds a way to avoid dramatic injustices. During the course of this class I learned a lot about the American criminal Justice system. I could understand a little better the complexity of the system as a whole.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Fluke, or, I Know Why the Winged Whale Sings Chapter 21~22
CHAPTER TWENTY-ONEI Lick the Body ElectricThe Maui sunset had set the sky on fire and everything in the bungalow had taken on the glowing pink t nonpargonil of paradise or hell, depending on where you were standing. stiff dismembered the bird and im seate the severed pieces on a platter to transport them to the grill.Youll need fewthing to bring those in on, Clair said. Her dress was a purple hibiscus-flower print, and the orchid she wore in her hair looked deal lavender d hinge upononflies humping. She was dicing pickles into the macaroni salad.Whats wrong with this? remains held up the plate with the raw chicken.You commodet use the selfsame(prenominal) plate. Youll get salm onella.Fine, fuck it, stiff said, tossing the plate into the yard. The chicken dies bounced nicely, b breeding themselves with a light coating of sand, ants, and desiccate grass. When did chicken become exchange subject plutonium anyway, for Christs sake? You nominatet aloneow it touch you or its certain fucking death. And eggs and hamburgers kill you unless you cook them to the consistency of limestone And if you free rein on your fucking cell phone, the plane is acquittance to plunge come forth of the sky in a ball of flames? And kids cant take a dump any more than scarce they have to have a helmet and pads on make them look like the Road Warrior. Right? Right? What the fuck happened to the world? When did everything get so goddamn deadly? Huh? Ive been going to sea for thirty damned years, and nonhings killed me. Ive swum with everything that can combust, sting, or eat you, and Ive done every stupid thing at profoundness that any human can and Im still alive. Fuck, Clair, I was unconscious for an hour underwater less than a week ago, and it didnt kill me. Now youre going to see me that Im going to get whacked by a fucking chicken leg? Well, still fuck it and soHe didnt turn in where to go, so he came back in and slammed the screen door behind him, then opened it and slammed it again. Goddamn it And he stood there, breathing sticky. Not really face at anything.Clair put mass her knife and pickle, then wiped her hands. As she came toward Clay she pulled a volumed bobby pin from the back of her hair, and her long, thick locks cascaded d protest her back. She took Clays right hand and kissed each of his fingertips, vanquish his thumb, then took his index finger in her m bulgeh and make a show of removing it slowly and with maximum moisture. Clay looked at the fundament, shaking.Baby, she said as she pose the bobby pin firmly between Clays wet thumb and index finger, I need you to go over to that wall and take this bobby pin and insert it ever so firmly into that electrical outlet over there.Clay looked up at her at brave.Because, she continued, I go with that you atomic number 18nt mad at me and that youre just grieve for your friends, besides I think you need to be reminded that you argonnt invulnerable and that you can hurt even more than you do now. And I think it would be rectify if you did it yourself, because otherwise Ill have to brain you with your own iron skillet.That would be wrong, Clay said.It is a cruel world, baby.Clay took her in his arms and buried his deliver in her hair and just stood there in the doorway for a long time.Amy had been lose for thirty-two hours. That morning a fisherman had found her kayak backwash against nigh rocks on Molokai and had called the rental company in Maui. A life jacket was still strapped on the front of the boat, he said. The Coast Guard had stop flavor already.Now, let me go, Clair said. I have to get that chicken out of the yard and rinse it off.I dont think we should eat that.Please. Im going to cook it up for Kona. Youre taking me out.I am?Of course.After I stick this in the outlet, right?You can grieve, Clay thats as it should be but you cant regain blameful for being alive.So, I dont have to stick this in the outlet?You apply foul language at me, baby. I dont see any way well-nigh it.Oh, well, thats true. You go get Konas chicken out of the yard. Ill do this.On the second morning after Amy was lost at sea, Clay walked to the seaside, a rocky coast between several(prenominal) condos north of Lahaina too short for morning runners, too shallow for a bathing crowd. He stood on an outcropping of rocks with the waves crashing close to him and essay to let pure hatred run out of his heart. Clay Demodocus was a guy who liked things, and among the things he had liked the almost was the sea, but this morning he held nothing but disdain for his old friend. The sapphire blue was indifferent, the waves elitist. Shed kill you without even learning your name. You bitch, Clay said, loud enough for the sea to hear. He spit out into her face and walked back home.That old trickster Maui had been sitting on a rock nearby watching, and he laughed at Clays hubris. Maui admired a man with more balls than brains, even a ha ole. He cast a small blessing at the photographer just a trinket for the laugh, a trifling junior-grade mango of magic and then he channelizeed off to the majuscule banyan tree to fog the film of Japanese tourists.Back in what was now precisely his office, Clay dug Amys resume out of his files and made the call. He braced himself, trying to figure out how, exactly, he was going to tell these strangers that their daughter was missing and assumed to have drowned. He entangle sad and alone, and his elbow hurt from the jolt of electrical energy hed taken the night before. He didnt want to do this. He reached for the phone, then stopped and closed his eyes, as if he could make the whole thing go out-of-door, but on the back of his eyelids he saw the face of his mother as he had last seen her, looking up at him out of her barrel of brine, Make the call, you pussy. If anyone knows how not to get bad news, its you. Part of homage is following up, you sniveling coward. Dont be l ike your brothers.Ah, sweet Mama, Clay thought. He dialed the phone a muffleer with a 716 area code, Tonawanda, impudently York. It rang three times, and the enter operator came on, saying that the number hed reached was not in service at this time. He checked it, then dialed the next number down, which also turned out not to be on the job(p). He called Tonawanda information for Amys parents, and the operator told him there was no such listing. At a loss, he called Woods Hole Oceanographic Center, where Amy had gotten her masters. Clay knew one of her advisers, Marcus Loughten, an irascible Brit who had worked at Woods Hole for twenty years and was famous in the field for his work in underwater acoustics. Loughten answered on the tertiary ring.Loughten, Loughten said.Marcus, this is Clay Demodocus. We worked together on Yes, Clay, I bloody know who you are. Calling from Hawaii, are you?Well, yes, I Probably, what, seventy-eight degrees with a breeze? Its seven below nau ght Fahrenheit here. Im out installing bloody endure buoys in a monthlong blizzard to keep right whales from getting run over by supertankers.Right, the level- whirled buoys. How are those working out?Theyre not.No? Why not?Well, right whales are stupid as shit, arent they? Its not like a supertanker is quiet. If sound was going to deter them, then theyd be bloody well deterred by the engine noise, wouldnt they? They dont make the connection. Stupid shits.Oh, sorry to hear that. Uh, why keep doing it then?We have funding.Right. Look, Marcus, I need some information on one of your students who came out here to work with us. Amy Earhart? Would have been with you guys until fall of last year.No, I dont know that name.Sure you do, five-five, thin, pale, dark hair with kind of unnatural blue highlights, smart as a whip.Sorry, Clay. That doesnt fit any of my students.Clay took a deep breath and trudged on. Biologists were notorious for treating their grad students as subhuman, but Clay was surprised that Loughten didnt remember Amy. She was cute, and if Clay could judge from a night of drinking hed done with Loughten at a marine mammal conference in France, the Brit was more than a bit of a horndog.Great ass, Marcus. Youd remember.Im sure I would, but I dont.Clay studied the resume. What about Peter? Would he No, Clay, I know all of Peters grad students as well. Did you call to confirm her references when you took her on?Well, no.Good work, then. dispel with your Nikons, did she?No, shes missing at sea. Im trying to contact her family.Sorry. Wish I could be of help. Ill check the records, just to be sure in case Ive had a ministroke that killed the part of the brain that remembers fine bottoms.Thanks.Good luck, Clay. My best to Quinn.Clay cringed. It turned out he really wasnt up for bearing bad news. Will do, Marcus. Good-bye. Clay hung up and resumed staring at the phone. Well, he thought, I knew absolutely nothing about this woman that I thought I knew. L ibby Quinn had already called (sobbing) to say that they should have some kind of joint service at the sanctuary for Nate and Amy, and that Clay should speak. What was he going to say about Amy? Dearly beloved, I think we all knew Amy as scientist, a colleague, a friend, a woman who showed up out of nowhere with a completely manufactured history, but I think, because she saved my life, that I came to know her better than anyone here, and I can tell you unequivocally, she was a smart aleck with a cute butt.Yeah, hed need to work on that. Damn it, he missed them both.Clay decided to kill the day by editing video time-eating busywork that supplied at least an imaginary escape from the real world. The afternoon found him going through and through the rebreather footage hed taken on the day the whale had conked him, for the first time going past the point where he was unconscious, just to see if the camera picked up anything usable. Clay let the video run minutes of blue water, the camer a tossing around at the end of the wrist lanyard, then Amys leg as she comes down to stop his descent. He cranked the audio. Hiss of ambient noise, then the bubbles from Amys regulator, the slow hiss of his own breathing through the rebreather. As Amy starts to swim to the surface, the camera catches his fins hanging limply against a field of blue, then Amys fins kicking in and out of the frame. Both their breathing is steady on the audio track.Clay looked at the time touch of the video. Fifteen minutes when the inquiry stops. Amy making her first decompressing stop. On the audio he hears the chorus of distant singing humpback whales, a boat labor not too far off, and Amys steady bubbles. Then the bubbles stop.The camera settles against his thigh and drifts, the lens up, catches light from the surface, then Amys hand holding on to his buoyancy vest, reading the data off his dive computer. Her regulator is out of her mouth. On the audio theres only his breathing. The camera swing s away.Ten minutes more pass. Clay listens for Amys breathing to resume. The motion from her hooking into the rescue tank on the rebreather should move the camera, but theres just the same gentle drift. They move up. Clay guesses maybe to seventy-five feet. Amy is doing another decompression stop, doing it by the book, despite the emergency. Except he still can hear only one person breathing.She pulls him to more shallow depth. The frame lightens up, and the camera swings around, the entire angle showing Clays unconscious form and Amy kicking, the regulator out of her mouth, looking at the surface. She hasnt used the bail-out tank on Clays rebreather, and she hasnt taken a breath for, as far as Clay can tell, forty minutes. This cant be right.He listens, watching until the time signature shows sixty and the tape ends the entire thing having been dubbed to the hard drive. He rewinds it on-screen, slowing down when the camera shows anything but blue, listening again.No fucking way .Clay backed away from the monitor, watching as the video ran out again and froze on the image of Amy holding him steady at twenty or so feet down, no regulator in her mouth.He ran out the door, calling, Kona KonaThe surfer came shuffling out of his bungalow in a cloud of smoke. Just tracking down navy spies, boss.Where did you guys put the rebreather? The day they took me to the hospital?Shes in the store shed.Clay made a beeline for the bungalow they used to store dive and boat equipment. He waved Kona after him. Come.What?Did you guys refill the oxygen or the bail-out tanks?We just rinsed it and put it in the case.Clay pulled the big Pelican case off a stack of scuba tanks and popped the latches. The rebreather was snug in the foam padding. Clay wrenched it out onto the wooden floor and turned on the computer that was an integral part of it. He hit buttons on the display console and watched the venerable liquid-crystal display cycle through the numbers. The last dive Downtime had been seventy-five minutes, forty-three seconds. The oxygen cylinder was virtually full. The bail-out air supply was full. Full. It hadnt been touched. Somehow Amy had stayed underwater for an hour without an air supply.Clay turned to the surfer. Do you remember anything that Nate showed you about what he was working on? I need details I know in general. Clay wasnt sure what he was looking for, but this had to mean something, and all he had to fall back on was Nates research.The surfer scratched the dreadless side of his head. Something about the whales singing binary.Come show me. Clay stormed through the door and back to the office.What you looking for?I dont know. Clues. Mysteries. Meaning.You gone lolo, you know?CHAPTER TWENTY-TWODeep Below, Bernard StirsAbout the time that Nathan Quinn had started to master his nausea in the whale ships aeonian motion (four days on board), another force started working on his body. He felt an uneasiness come over him in waves, and for t wenty or so seconds he would feel as if he needed to crawl out of his skin. Then it would pass and leave him feeling a little numb for a few seconds, only to start up again.Poynter and Poe were moving around the small cabin looking at different gobs and bumps of bioluminescence as if they were gleaning some meaning from them, but, try as he might, Nate couldnt figure out what they were monitoring. It would have helped to be able to get out of the seat and take a surrounding(prenominal) look, but Poynter had ordered him strapped in after he made his first break for the back orifice. Hed nearly made it, too. Had dived at it just like hed seen the whaley boys do, tho that only one arm had gone through, and he ended up stuck to the floor of the whale, his face against the rubbery skin, his hand trailing out in the shivery ocean.Well, that was phenomenally stupid, said Poynter.I think Ive dislocated my shoulder, Nate said.I should leave you there. Maybe a remora or two will latch on t o your hand and teach you a lesson.Or a cookie-cutter shark, said Poe. Nasty bastards. The whaley boys turned in their seats and snickered, bobbing their heads and blowing the occasional raspberry, which could inflict considerable moisture off a four-inch-wide speech. Evidently Quinn was a cetacean laugh riot. Hed always suspected that, actually.Poynter got down on his hands and knees and looked Nate in the eye. While youre down there, Id like you to think on what might have happened if youd been successful at launching yourself through that orifice. First, were at Skippy, whats the depth? Skippy chirped and clicked a number of times. A hundred and fifty feet. Beyond the fact that youd probably have blown out your eardrums almost immediately, you might think on how you were going to get to the surface on one breath of air. And should you have gotten to the surface, what were you going to do then? Were five hundred miles from the nearest land.I hadnt worked out the whole plan, N ate said.So, actually, I might be looking at success, right? You just wanted to test the outside water temperature?Sure, said Nate, thinking it might be best to stay agreeable.Can you feel your hand?Its a little chilly, but, yes.Oh, good.And so theyd left him there a couple of hours, his hand and about six inches of his arm hanging out in the open sea as the whale ship swam along, and when they finally pulled him up, they put him in his seat and kept him restrained except to eat and go to the bathroom. Hed try to relax and observe learn what he could but then a few minutes ago these waves of uneasiness had started hitting him. Hes got the sonic willies, said Poe.Poynter looked away from Skippys console. Its the subsonics, Doc. Youre feeling the sound waves even though you cant hear them. Weve been communicating with the blue for about ten minutes now.You might have said something.I just did.Couple of hours youll be in the blue, Doc. You can stand up again, walk around a littl e. pick out some privacy.So youre communicating with it in low-frequency sound?Yep. Just like you thought, Doc, there was meaning in the call.Yeah, but I didnt think this, that there were guys, and guylike things, riding about inside whales. How in the hell can this be happening? How can I not know about this?So youre giving up on the being-dead strategy? asked Poe.What is it? Space aliens?Poynter unbuttoned his apparel and showed some chest hair. Do I look like a space alien?Well, no, but them. Nate nodded toward the whaley boys. They looked at each other and snickered, a word form of wheezing laughter coming from their blowholes, paused, looked back at Nate, then snickered some more.Maybe on their planet sentient life evolved from whales rather than apes, Quinn continued. I can see how they might have landed here, deployed these whale ships, and kept under the radar of human detection age they looked around. I mean, man obviously isnt the most peaceful of creatures.That work f or you, Doc? asked Poynter.On their planet they developed an organically based technology, rather than one based on combustion and manipulation of minerals like ours.Oh, that is good, said Poe.Hes on a roll, said Poynter. Unraveling the mystery, he is.Skippy and iceboat nodded to each other and grinned.So thats it? This ship is extraterrestrial? Quinn felt the small victory passage that one gets from proving a hypothesis even one as bizarre as space aliens riding in whale ships.Sure, said Poe, that works for me. You, punk?Yeah, moon men, thats what you guys are, Poynter said to the whaley boys.Meep, said ice yacht.And in a high, squeaky, little-girl voice, Skippy croaked, Phone home.The whaley boys gave each other a high four and collapsed into fits of hysterical wheezing.What did he say? Nate nearly snapped his neck trying to turn around against the restraints. They can talk?Well, I guess, if you call that talking, Poe said. He exchanged high fives with Poynter at the expens e of the whaley boys, who paused in their own laughter to roll the whale ship in three quick spirals, which tossed the unsecured Poe and Poynter around the soft cabin like a couple of rag dolls.Poynter came up with a bloody lip from connecting with his own knee. Poe had barked his shin on one of the whaley boys heads as he went over. Strapped in, Nate concentrated on not watching a rerun of his lunch of raw tuna and water.Bastards said Poe.That what you expected in your race of super-intelligent, space-faring extraterrestrials, Nate? Poynter wiped blood from his lower lip and flung it at sea scooter.Carl Linnaeus, an eighteenth-century Swedish doctor who narrow in the treatment of syphilis, is credited with inventing the modern system that is used for classifying plants and animals. Linnaeus is responsible for naming the humpback whale Megaptera novaeangliae, or big wings of New England, and later naming the blue whale Balaenoptera musculus, or little mouse at 110 feet long, over a hundred tons, an animal whose tongue alone is larger than a full-grown African elephant the largest animal to ever live on the planet. Little mouse? Some speculated that this ironic misnomer was perpetrated entirely to throw Linnaeuss lab assistants, as in Run out and bring me back a little mouse, Sven. Others think that the pox had gone to Carls head.Quinn was crouched over the back orifice, Skippy and Scooter holding him by either arm, Poynter and Poe crouched before him, saluting. He could feel the texture of the opening under his bare feet, like wet tire tread.Its been a pleasure, Doc, Poynter said. Have a great trip.Well see you back at base, said Poe. Now, just relax. Youre barely going to contact water. Hold your nose and blow.Quinn did.Poynter counted, One, two Meep.Nate was sucked out the orifice, felt a brief chill and some pressure pushing back against his ears, and found himself in a chamber only a little taller than that in the humpback, with a fairly amused wom an.You can stop blowing now, she said.Yet another phrase I didnt think Id be hearing in this lifetime, Nate said. He let go of his nostrils and took a deep breath. The air take careed fresher than in the humpback.Welcome to my blue, Dr. Quinn, Im Cielle Nuez. How do you feel?Pooped. Quinn grinned. She was about his age, Hispanic with short dark hair peppered gray and wide brown eyes that caught the bioluminescence off the walls and reflected what looked like laughter. She was barefoot and wearing generic khakis like Poynter and Poe. He shook her hand.Cute, she said. Come forward with me, Doctor. Im sure its been a while since you were able to stand up straight. She led him down the corridor, which reminded Nate of when, as kids, he and his buddies had explored storm drains in Vancouver. It was tall enough to walk in, but not tall enough to stand in comfortably.Actually, Cielle, Im not a doctor. I have a Ph.D., but the doctor thing I understand. Im captain of this rig, but if you call me Captain, Ill ignore you.I wanted to hear the humpback sing before I left. You know, from the inside.You will. Therell be time.The corridor started to widen as they moved forward, and Nate was actually able to walk normally, or as normally as one can walk when barefoot on whaleskin. This skin had a mottled appearance, whereas on the humpback it had been nearly solid gray. He noticed that on this ship there were wide veins of bioluminescence on the floor, casting a yellow light up upwards that gave everything a sinister green glow. Nuez paused by what appeared to be portals on either side of them.This is as good a place as any, she said. Now, turn athwart and take my hand.Quinn did as he was asked. Her hand felt warm but dry. She was a small woman, but powerfully built, he could feel the strength in her grip. Now, were just going to walk as the ship moves. Dont stop until I say, or youll fall on your ass.WHAT?Okay, Scooter, roll it.Scooter?All pilots are called Scooter or Sk ippy. They didnt tell you?They werent very forthcoming with information.Humpback crews are a bunch of yahoos. Nuez smiled. You know the type, like navy fighter pilots topside? All ego and testosterone.I got more cretin than yahoo, Nate said.Well, with that particular bunch, yes.The whole corridor started to move.Here we go, step, step, step, thats good. They were walking across the walls as the ship rolled. When they were standing on the ceiling, the roll stopped. Nice, Scooter, Nuez said, obviously communicating through some sort of hidden intercom. Then, to Nate, Hes so good.We were upside down to make the transfer?Exactly. Youre a smart guy. Look, these are cabins. She touched a lighted boss on the wall, and a skin portal folded back on itself. Again Nate was put in mind of the blowhole of a toothed whale, but it was so big, nearly four feet across, it was just unnatural. Lines of light pumped to life past the portal to reveal a small cabin, a bed apparently made of the same skin as the rest of the interior but also a table and a chair. Nate couldnt make out what material they might be made of, but it looked like plastic.Bone, Nuez said, noticing him noticing. Theyre as much a part of the ship as the walls. All living tissue. There are shelves and cubbyholes for your stuff in the bulkheads, closed now. Obviously everything has to be stowed for little maneuvers like the one we just performed. The motion isnt as bad as on the humpbacks. Youll find youll get used to it, and then you can move about just as if you were on land.Youre right. I didnt even notice we were moving.That would be because were not, said Nuez.The sound of whaley-boy snickering wheezed down the corridor toward them.You guys are supposed to be working, Nuez said to the air. Prepare to get under way. She turned to Quinn. Can I buy you a cup of joe? Maybe answer some of your questions?Youre offering? Quinn felt his heart jump with excitement. Information, without Poynter and Poes goofin g obfuscation? He was thrilled. That would be fantastic.Dont pee all over yourself, Quinn. Its just coffee.The corridor opened up into a large bridge. The head of the blue was huge compared to the humpbacks. On either side of the entry a whaley boy stood grinning at them as they passed. They were both taller than Quinn, and unlike the Scooter and Skippy of the humpback, their skin was mottled and lighter in color.Nate paused and grinned back at them. Let me guess Skippy and Scooter?Actually, Bernard and Emily 7, said Nuez.You said they all were I said all pilots were named Skippy and Scooter. She gestured to the front of the bridge, where two whaley boys sitting at control consoles were turning in their seats and grinning. Maybe, thought Nate, they always appeared to be grinning, much like dolphins. Hed made an unpaid mistake, assuming that their facial expressions were the analog of human expressions. People often did that with dolphins, even though the animals had no facial muscles to facilitate expression. Even sad dolphins appeared to be smiling.What are you two grinning at? asked Nuez. Lets get on the way.The pilots frowned and turned back to their consoles.Well, crap, Nate said.What?Nothing, just another theory shot in the ass.Yeah, this operation does that, doesnt it?Nate felt something breathing in in his back pocket and spun around to see a thin, fourteen-inch-long pink penis that was protruding from Bernards genital slit. It waved at him.Holy molyBernard Nuez snapped. Put that away. That is not procedure.Bernards unit drooped noticeably from the scolding. He looked at it and chirped contritely.Away Nuez barked.Bernards willy snapped back up into his genital slit. Sorry about that, Nuez said to Nate. Ive neer gotten used to that. Its really disconcerting when youre working with one of them and you ask them to hand you a screwdriver or something and his hands are already full. Coffee?She led him to a small white table around which four bone ch airs protruded from the floor. They looked like old-style Greek saddle chairs no backs, organic curves, and the high gloss of living bone but more Gaudi than Flintstone. Quinn sat while Nuez touched a node on the wall that opened a meter-wide portal that had concealed a sink, several canisters, and what looked like a percolator. Nate wondered about the electricity but forced himself to wait before asking.While Nuez prepared the coffee, Quinn looked around. The bridge was easily four times the size of the entire cabin in the humpback. quite of riding in a minivan, it was like being in a good-size motor home a very curvy, dimly lit motor home, but about that size. Blue light filtered in through the eyes, illuminating the pilots faces, which shone like patent leather. Nate was starting to realize that even though everything was organic, living, the whale ship had the same sort of efficiency found on any nautical vessel every spaced used, everything stowed against movement, ev erything functional.If you need to use the head, its back down the corridor, fourth dream up on the right.Emily 7 clicked and squealed, and Nuez laughed. She had a warm laugh, not forced it just rolled out of her smooth and easy. Emily says it seems as if it would be more logical for the head to be in the head, but there goes logic.I gave up logic a few days ago.You dont have to give it up, just adjust. Anyway, facilities in the head are like everything on the ship living but I think youll figure out the analogs pretty quickly. Its less complicated than an airliner bathroom.Scooter chirped, and the great ship started to move, first in a fairly radical wave of motion, then smoothing out to a gentle roll. It was like being on a large sailing ship in medium seas.Hey, a little more warning, Scooter, huh? said Nuez. I nearly dumped Nathans coffee. Okay if I call you Nathan?Nates good. base with the roll of the ship, she made it back to the table and put down the two steaming mugs of coffee, then went back for a sugar bowl, spoons, and a can of condensed milk. Nate picked up the can and studied it.This is the first thing from the outside that Ive seen.Yeah, well, thats special request. You dont want to try whale milk in your coffee. Its like krill-flavored spray cheese.Yuck.Thats what Im saying.Cielle, if you dont mind my saying, you dont seem very military.Me? No, I wasnt. My husband and I had a sixty-foot sailboat. We got caught in a hurricane off of Costa Rica and sank. Thats when they took me. My husband didnt make it.Im sorry.Its okay. It was a long time ago. But, no, Ive never been in the military.But the way you order the whaley boys around First, we need to clear up a misconception that you are obviously forming, Nate. I we, the human beings on these ships are not in charge. Were just I dont know, like ambassadors or something. We sound like commanders because these guys would just goof off all day without someone weighty them what to do, but we have no real authority. The Colonel gives the orders, and the whaley boys run the show.Scooter and Skippy snickered like their counterparts on the humpback ship, Bernard and Emily 7 joined them Bernard extending his prehensile willy like a ships company horn.And whaley girls? Nate nodded toward Emily 7, who grinned it was a very big, very toothy grin, but a little coquettish in the way one might expect from, say, an ingenue with a bite that could sever an arm.Just whaley boys. Its like the term mankind, you know alienate the female part of the race at all costs. Its the same here. Old-timers gave them the name.Whos the Colonel?Hes in charge. We dont see him.Human, though?Im told.You said youd been here a long time. How long?Let me get you another cup, and Ill tell you what I can. She turned. Bernard, get that thing out of the coffeepot
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